V ENN D IAGRAMS (G.1 C ) O BJ : SWBAT WRITE STATEMENTS GIVEN A VENN DIAGRAM ( AND THE CONVERSE ). H OMEWORK ( DAY 19) Worksheet day 19 (2-34Even, 36-64all) 1 st NW Review Packet- due 10/28 Review constructions W ARM - UP : 1 ST NW R EVEW P ACKET **HW/ HW LOG / STORYBOOK “L OGIC ” U NIT 3 N OTES WKS ( DAY 17) W ORKBOOK P
Copy this into your SOL binder (Day 19) Cell phones I G P
Let p = “a dog eats bread”Let q = “the dog gains weight” Let r = “the dog gets fat” 1) p → q, “If a dog eats bread, then the dog gains weight” is a true statement. John’s dog eats bread. What can be concluded? Justify. 2) p → q means “If a dog eats bread, then the dog gains weight.” p → q is a true statement. State the contrapositive. Is it a true statement? 3) p → q means “If a dog eats bread, then the dog gains weight.” q → r means “If the dog gains weight, then the dog gets fat.” Using the law of syllogism, what is the logical conclusion? C OPY INTO SOL B INDER (G.1)- DAY 20
Copy into your SOL Binder – (Day 19) Write a sentence illustrating the letter “C”
Copy into your SOL Binder – (Day 19)
Lesson 2-2: Logic 6 V ENN DIAGRAMS : show relationships between different sets of data. can represent conditional statements. is usually drawn as a circle. Every point IN the circle belongs to that set. Every point OUT of the circle does not. Example: Poodle, Horse, Camel DOGS
Lesson 2-2: Logic 7 F OR ALL..., EVERY..., IF... THEN... Some women are smart Women Smart Example 1: Example 2: Every rose is a flower. Flower Rose Example 3: If two lines are parallel, then they do not intersect. parallel lines Lines Don’t Intersect Flower Rose
Lesson 2-2: Logic 9 T O S HOW R ELATIONSHIPS USING V ENN D IAGRAMS : Blue or Red (includes Purple) …A B AB A B
T HE V ENN D IAGRAM SHOWS THE NUMBER OF STUDENTS ENROLLED IN M ONIQUES ’ DANCE SCHOOL FOR TAP, JAZZ AND BALLET CLASSES a) How Many students are in all three classes? b) How many are in tap or ballet? c) How many are in jazz and ballet but not tap? Tap Jazz Ballet
T EACHER ’ S N OTES : Work on 1 st NW Review Packet Construction Packet: students number each construction, choose one per construction for me to grade)....highlight in a color