facebook Nikola Tesla has completed the Tesla coil. WallPhotosFlairBoxesNikola TeslaLogout View photos of Nikola Tesla (5) Send Nikola Tesla a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Westinghouse Birthday: May 29, 1917 Political: Neutral Religion: Serbian Orthodox Hometown: Smilijan, Croatia Friends DadMarkMom Marica Angelina Nikola Tesla is sorry, but I have my own money and I need to perform my own experiments because I disagree with the Westinghouse engineers. I KNOW that A/C current is better! October 7, 1963 Milka George Westinghouse needs to know if Nikola Tesla will stay in Pittsburgh and continue to work with the Westinghouse company. Nikola Tesla can’t believe that after months of digging ditches for $2 a day, Mr. A.K Brown has given me a company and a laboratory to pursue my AC motor! 1886 Nikola Tesla Americans! Edison told me he would give me $50,000 to improve his dynamos. I made 24 different designs and he broke his promise! Now I have NO money for my experiments! 1885 Nikola Tesla is frustrated that Thomas Edison himself laughed at alternating current! I’ll show him when I make millions off my AC motor! 1885 Nikola Tesla is so glad he managed to get a job at Edison’s Factory, especially so soon after immigrating to America! June 1884
Personal Information facebook Nikola Tesla Has completed the Tesla coil. WallPhotosFlairBoxesNikola TeslaLogout View photos Nikola Tesla (5) Send Nikola Tesla a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Westinghouse Corporation Birthday: July 9/10, 1856 Political: Neutral Religion: Orthodox Hometown: Smilijan, Croatia Photos Networks: Westinghouse Corporation Sex: Male Birthday: July 9/10, 1856 Hometown: Smilijan, Croatia Relationship Status: Married to His Work Political Views: Neutral Religious Views: Serbian Orthodox Christian Activities: Studying at School, Building Generators, Advertising Alternating Current,lighting the World Fair. Interests: Swimming, Inventing, Fishing, Spending time alone. Favorite Music: Church Hymns, Serbian folk music, Classical Music Favorite Movies: What on earth are movies? Favorite TV Shows: What? Favorite Books: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Bible, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,Old Times on the Mississippi Me and Friends Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums The Laboratory Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: Whatever hotel that is closest to my laboratory Phone Number:
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesNikola TeslaLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Nikola Tesla 5 Photos Nikola Tesla’s Albums 2 Photo Alums Me and Friends 5 photos The Laboratory 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Nikola Tesla has completed the Tesla coil.
Works Cited Aldritch, Lisa J. Nikola Tesla and the Taming of Electricity. Greensboro: Morgan Reynolds, Print. Prince, Cameron B. “Tesla Universe.” Tesla Universe. Cameron B. Prince, Web. 1 Nov A database of Nikola Tesla’s life. Wagner, John W. “Nikola Tesla Forgotten American Scientist.” Nikola Tesla Forgotten American Scientist. John W. Wagner, n.d. Web. 1 Nov A website about the life of the inventor Nikola Tesla. This website talks about why he should be known as the inventor of AC electricity and the radio.