Gender Statistics in Armenia National Statistical Service Republic of Armenia Prepared by Gagik Gevorgyan, Member on State Council of Statistics, Astghik Gyulbenkyan, Main Specialist, Households Survey Division, NSS RA
The Role of NSS in Gender Statistics Gender Issues: great importance in the country. This means: need for gender statistics. Collecting, summarizing and processing of the information related to the gender. Publication of the booklet on national language.
Legislation “Program provisions improvement of the women situation in the RA” in 1998 “National Action Plan on Improvement of Women’s Status in the RA and Enhancement of their Role in the Society ” in 2004
Publications Women and Men in Armenia, 1999 Family and children in Armenia, 2000 Women and Men in Armenia, 2003 Women and Men in Armenia, 2004 Women and Men in Armenia, 2005
Users of publication Government International organizations NGOs Individuals
Collaboration With ministries in order to improve the administrative records (one of the main data sources). With international organizations: SIDA-Statistic Sweden, UNDP (technical and financial support)
Dissemination Booklet Internet –
Lack of Gender Statistics in Armenia Agriculture Business and Entrepreneurship Informal Employment Latent Crime Illegal Migration
Tasks to Improve Gender Statistics Produced in Armenia Deepening of desegregation of available data by their content Broadening of desegregation of available data by regions Developing of administrative data sources and improving of methodology and tools, aimed to reduce respondent’s burden
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