The Problem of Immaturity “Immaturity” is not a problem when: It is in the proper time and place, 1Cor.13:11a, “When I was a child, I used to speak as a child, think as a child, reason as a child…” In childhood, immaturity is to be expected as normal and natural for obvious reasons. The problem arises when it is out of time and place, 1Cor.13:11b, “…when I became a man, I did away with childish things.” No one expects a child to speak, think, and reason as a man, But neither should we expect a man to speak, think, and reason like a child (or accept one who does)!
The Problem of Immaturity What are the indicators of immaturity? Selfish attitudes and behavior. A baby does not understand or care that you have one hour of sleep at 2 AM and have to be up at 5 AM- only that he is hungry, wet, or not sleepy. Ingratitude. A baby does not understand or care that you’ve fed, bathed, changed, and met every need for the last three months- only that you haven’t done so in the last three minutes.
The Problem of Immaturity What are the indicators of immaturity? Demanding to have their own way. A baby does not understand or care that you are trying to meet his perceived need in a way that is better for him- he’s only concerned with the immediacy of having it met. No sense of responsibility or obligation. A baby does not understand or care how the food is attained or prepared, or whether the tray/floor is cleaned up afterwards- only that his tummy gets full with food that he likes.
The Problem of Immaturity What are the indicators of immaturity? Poor judgment/risk evaluation, and value assessment. A baby does not understand or care that he cannot step or leap off the couch after climbing up, or how much you spent on the toy he’s ignoring to play with the box and wrapping paper- only that this is what he wants to do. Wrong reactions to conflicts or challenges. A baby does not understand or care why you won’t let him play in the toilet, and challenges your authority in the matter! Wrongly sourced happiness. A baby laughs when others fall, but cries when he does so.
The Problem of Immaturity How do these same indicators apply in marriage: Selfish attitudes and behavior? An immature spouse does not care about their spouse’s needs- only his/hers, Eph.5:22-27; Gen.2:20. Ingratitude? An immature spouse does not see or care about all the needs that have been met during the past, only the present one. Demanding to have their own way? Neither headship nor submission allow for this, 1Pet.3:1,7.
The Problem of Immaturity How do these same indicators apply in marriage: No sense of obligation or responsibility? An immature spouse does not care about how much labor is required by their partner, just that the desired results are available for them personally, 1Tim.5:8; Titus 2:5. Poor judgment/risk evaluation, and value assessment? An immature spouse follows their own heart (instead of their head), lives only for their own moments, and assesses value only for themselves personally. Remember that true, biblical love establishes a value rather than requiring one; lust (inordinate or excessive desire) does the opposite, Rom.5:8.
The Problem of Immaturity How do these same indicators apply in marriage: Wrong reactions to conflicts or challenges? An immature spouse does not care how/why the conflict arose, and only sees it as a challenge to them getting their own way; and thus seeks a personal victory over a mutually beneficial solution, Matt.7:12. Wrongly sourced happiness? An immature spouse sees happiness as the acquisition of personally desired ways and things; and thus never understands the true joy of contentment, or of selfless giving, Luke 12:15; Jas.4:1-2.
The Problem of Immaturity How do these same indicators apply in fellowship: Selfish attitudes and behavior? Immature elders will lord over the flock, 1Pet.5:3; immature members won’t obey and submit, Heb.13:17. Ingratitude? Immature elders won’t appreciate or give credit for the work of members, 1Cor.16:15-18; immature members won’t appreciate or give credit for the work of overseers, 1Thess.5: Demanding to have their own way? Immaturity prevents any real progress or growth, Phil.2:1-4.
The Problem of Immaturity How do these same indicators apply in fellowship: No sense of responsibility or obligation? Immature elders will only occupy a position, rather than actually serve and lead, 1Pet.5:2-3; immature members will never really be part of the work, and will view fellowship as a buffet to be partaken of only it as suits them, cp. Acts 2:43-47 and 4:32-35 with 5:1-10. Poor judgment/risk evaluation, and value assessment? Immaturity will manifest itself as skewed perspective and practices- individually and collectively, Matt.6:22-23, ,
The Problem of Immaturity How do these same indicators apply in fellowship: Wrong reactions to conflicts or challenges? Mature healing and growth opportunities will give way to immature biting and devouring, Gal.6:1-2; 5:15. Wrongly sourced happiness? Immaturity will prevent proper view of and feelings toward one another, and sight will be lost of the ultimate goal, 1Cor.12:12-27; 13:1-13; Heb.12:14-16.
Conclusions: Immature attitudes and behaviors are natural and expected in babies and those too young to know and do better. But, Immature attitudes and behavior have no place in mature relationships such as the physical relationship of a husband and wife, or the spiritual relationship of Christians to Christ and one another. Is it past time for you to put away childish things, 1Cor.13:11b?