The World View
A world view is how you see everything around you and how you relate to your environment. It effects how you feel about things and make decisions. World view is a secular approach to looking at faith
Mystery Science – Looks to explain things rationally with proof – Sees mystery as a puzzle that will be solved Religion – Sees mystery as something essential to life – Mystery should be celebrated and accepted
Secular Worldview Believes that only the truth is what humans value and know All values are relative Science and technology provide the answers to life’s problems There is no purpose to life or the universe God is a lie
Religious Worldviews The religious worldview is broken into two separate parts: – Theocentric Worldview – Cosmocentric Worldview Theocentric is associated with the western religions Cosmocentric is associated with the eastern religions
Theocentric Worldview Claims that life’s meaning comes from God The purpose of life is to follow the path that leads to union with God Religion explains the mystery of life Life has a sacred purpose and plan from God
Cosmocentric Worldview Nature is an expression of the sacred realm Sacred sources of life is a mystery People are dependent on nature and must honour its sacredness The universe is a living thing Everything is interconnected (a web)
Science vs Religion vs Magic
Science & Religion Are entered into freely Have the right to choose Is evolving and changing
Magic Is used to intimidate and control Uses fear Attempts to manipulate
Types of Magic 1.Imitative: imitating something to take on its powers 2.Black: uses objects to bring about evil 3.Contagious: magically connecting things 4.Aversive: using a scapegoat 5.Productive: making offerings