Sentence Diagramming Part 1: Simple Sentence Diagrams – The Basics
Sentence Diagramming: Diagrams allow us to see a sentence spatially. Boys are spatial learners; they like pictures, maps, and diagrams. Diagramming sentences is like building a jigsaw puzzle. Each word had its appropriate place.
What Do Real Diagrams Look Like? graduation is The party today The graduation party is today.
Let ’ s Start Diagramming: 1. Every diagram begins with a baseline 2. The simple subject and the verb are placed on the baseline. 3. Next, the simple subject and the verb are split in two with a vertical line Example: The baseball team ran onto the field. teamran Simple SubjectVerb
More Simple Diagrams: 1.Pujols hit a grand slam. 2.Bush Stadium is very old. 3.The pitcher threw a strike. Pujolshit Stadiumis pitcherthrew Simple subject Verb