By: Lisa Harris Lisa Johnson Suzanne Sprouse
Standards drive planning Guide Instruction Necessary for assessment, i.e. you are going to assess students on what you taught them based on the standards
Flexible grading tool Allows for the precise grading of specific skills Usually designed in a grid with levels of mastery, traits/skill and criteria… TargetAccepta ble Needs Work Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3 Skill 4 Skill 5 Criteria
Types of Rubrics Holistic Gives single rating for entire product Overall rating Admission to Teacher Education Rubric Analytical Rates traits / dimensions separately Categorical rating Group projects Our focus this semester
NOTE: When integrating technology, be sure the rubric addresses CONTENT and TECHNOLOGY
Consistency in scoring/Objective Assessment Self-Assessment for students Improves teacher feedback Students have clear idea of expectations Aids in instruction by identifying patterns
Used to describe project requirements versus describing levels for various traits. Not as much specificity, but can be useful for projects such as websites. Should also assess Technology AND Content!
Checklist for Website(each item is worth 2 points) Graphics _____ Graphics make sense on the page (connect to purpose)_____ Graphics are size properly and do not interfere with loading time _____ Graphics are free of bias _____ Graphics are balanced with text _____ Graphics are labeled with ALT text Background _____ Compliments text choice _____ Enhances consistency of website Text _____ Easy to read on multiple computers _____ Compliments background _____ Amount fits purpose of site _____ No full justification and minimal "all caps" _____ Various sizes are used as titles, headings, etc. _____ No errors in grammar/mechanics Navigation _____ Menu on every page _____ Navigation is consistent throughout site _____ Links are labeled clearly _____ Links are kept within context of text _____ All links work _____ Files are named appropriately (lower case, no spaces) Perspective _____ Purpose of site is clearly stated on homepage _____ Author, contact information, and date of site creation is on homepage _____ Biographical information on author is available _____ References are included Content _____ Consists of five pages: home, about me, links, references, sample projects _____ Five links are directly related to education, content area, grade level _____ All links include a short description _____ Sample projects are placed in a table and include at least two technology projects _____ Page about author contains information appropriate for purpose _____ Any borrowed information/graphics are cited in reference page _____ Website in its entirety is appropriate for K-12 audience
1. Name some benefits to using rubrics? 2. Give an example of a project in which a rubric would be more appropriate as a grading tool. 3. Give an example of a project in which a checklist would be more appropriate as a grading tool.
Using the rubric template, make a rubric either your UDL brochure or your Inspiration Activity. Be sure to be comprehensive in the skills you evaluate and the criteria used to achieve each level of mastery.