4. PA Before & After School An opportunity for contributory PA More time in can be dedicated to PA (Trost, Rosenkranz, & Dzewaltowski, 2008) Types: School sponsored before and after activities/clubs/programs Joint use agreements Community centers/buildings Collaborate with existing programs PDs for after school staff
PA Before & After School Programs offered on school campuses, prior to or after the daily schedule Off-campus programs with transportation What is it?Examples “Start-of-day movement During announcements “Channel One” Field trips to local venues Weekend active outings Open gym time
PA Before & After School Cognitive & physical health More PA minutes Productive use of time Because it’s good for kids Why do it?Who does it? Physical education teachers, coaches, classroom teachers Volunteers Physical Fitness/Activity Coordinators
Intramurals or PA Clubs Instructional and practice opportunities in sports Student-run programs Group exercise sessions Non-traditional PA Guest speakers Variety of age- appropriate PA & recreation (NASPE, 2002) Voluntary basis Available to all Supervised Clubs promote PA DescriptionExamples
Interscholastic Sports Practices Events Competitions “No cut” programs After school hours on school grounds Competition between schools Adequate equip. Responsible parents Trained coaches Fun! Diversified DescriptionExamples
Walk-& Bike-to-School Accessibility Infrastructure Participation & support Teachers Parents Local authorities Safe, active transit Local communities more livable and health-focused DescriptionExamples
Implementation Select before or after school as a target Evaluate current practice Solicit help or merge with current programs Teacher involvement Sharing a teacher’s passion/hobby Provide activity ideas for staff (PE content)
Implementation Specifics Active transport to school Walking school bus, Safe routes to school, etc. Safety Point of decision prompts (i.e., sign prompts) Fundraisers (i.e., $$ pledges for PA)
Sample Artifacts Images Testimonials from participants Policy change Joint agreement collaboration plans Materials from a professional development for after school staff Advertisements Sponsorship letter