Presentation to: Scottish Government TITLE 20 December 2010 Mandy Bruce Senior Practitioner Health & Wellbeing
The Thistle Foundation A Scottish charity, based in Craigmillar, who support people to take control and manage life with their condition. Anyone can access us (over 18) and can self refer
How do we do this? We work with a tailored approach, helping the person to identify what is important to them We have a ‘Good Conversation’, providing space and time to explore their skills and resources helping to move towards their hopes, and self manage with their condition Some people prefer one-to-one with a practitioner, and others access our group services – both allow a flexible space for listening and a supportive conversation It’s “what matters” …not “what’s the matter”
What support is on offer at Thistle? Our services are designed to help with coping, gain confidence and keep a sense of control One to one support Supported exercise and Thistle gym Volunteering Self management courses
Lifestyle Management 10 weeks 3 hours per week Covering various lifestyle topics, and focusing on what is working well
1. Lifestyle Management Philosophy 2. Sleep Management 3. Relaxation and Stress Management 4. Pacing and Energy Management. 5. Getting Active 6. Pacing and Time Management 7. Communication Skills 8. The Mind-Body Connection 9. Preventing, Minimising & Recovering from Relapse 10. Reflection and Forward Planning Lifestyle Management
Other courses at Thistle Exercise based Lifestyle Management Nutrition based Lifestyle Management Mindfulness Veterans Lifestyle Management Our courses are flexible, interactive, and focus on small, realistic changes
Mandy Bruce