Freedom from Financial Bondage I. What are some of the key words related to the area of financial bondage? A. Bondage (Exodus 6:5-7) B. Slavery (John 8:33) C. Subjection (Hebrews 2:14-16)
D. Debt (Romans 13:8) E. Interest (Leviticus 25:35-37) F. Borrowing (Proverbs 22:7) G. Credit Buying
II. What is God’s desire in the area of financial bondage? A. God wants His people free (John 8:30- 36). B. Jesus' ministry was designed to set the captive free (Luke 4:18-19). C. The Lord wants us to continue to walk in freedom (Gal. 5:1).
III. What are the fruits of financial bondage? A. Bitterness and sorrow (Ex. 1:14) B. Despair (Ex. 2:23-25) C. Essential family needs unmet. D. Always playing catch up, never having control
E. Passing on a negative inheritance (Neh. 5:4-5) F. Inability to hear the message of deliverance (Ex. 6:9)
IV. What are the root causes of financial bondage? A. The Inability to trust God (Ps. 37:7) B. Covetousness (Luke 12:15; I Tim. 6:10) C. Greed (Eccl. 4:6; 5:10; II Tim. 3:1-5) D. Lack of self – discipline
E. Over - indulgence (Pro. 21:17; Luke 15:12ff) The definition of over-indulgence is “irresponsible spending for items that yield temporary satisfaction with little utility.” F. Lack of knowledge (Hos. 4:6)
V. What is wrong with borrowing from a biblical point of view? A. Borrowing puts you into bondage and makes you a slave (Pro. 22:7). B. Borrowing presumes on a future that no one can know (Jam. 4:13-15; Pro. 27:1).
C. Borrowing removes our finances as a major avenue of God’s confirming guidance (Jam. 4:3). D. Borrowing encourages a lack of faith in God’s provision and ability to supply (Phil. 4:19). E. Borrowing keeps us from a necessary dependence upon the Body o Christ (II Cor. 8:13-15).
VI. What are some of the ways to get free and stay free for debt and financial bondage? Our goal as Christians should be to be free. In order to have our freedom we must be willing to pay the price (Acts 22:27-28). Each of the following steps will help us to gain freedom. The more of these steps that we can put into practice the more freedom that we will experience.
A. In order to get out of debt: 1. Confess your fault and be willing to forsake old ways (Pro. 28:13). 2. Determine not to incur any new debts. 3. Be willing to make sacrifices for the sake of personal freedom. 4. Be willing to adjust your present standard of living.
5. Consider the sale of certain non- essential items. 6. Cut up credit cards that are a temptation to you. 7. Set up a realistic plan and to begin to service all outstanding debts. 8. Enlist the help of God and expect His assistance (II Kgs. 4:1-7).
B. In order to stay out of debt: 1. Establish a “pay as you go” system. 2. Pray about major purchases and submit them to God’s will. 3. Do research and seek council concerning major purchases (Pro. 18:15). 4. Seek to excel in your work.
5. Develop a strict budget for handling regular finances. 6. Cultivate a spirit of contentment. Let your four-fold motto be: a. Wear it! b. Eat it! c. Make it do! d. Thank the Lord for it!
7. Establish a monthly savings policy. 8. Become a tither and a giver. C. Be careful of wrong solutions that may carry heavier consequences.