Getting Advice from the Top! Learning Outcomes: To think about what it means to be successful in life To identify people who would be able to give good life advice To be able to structure a letter requesting advice from a successful person To write a letter requesting advice from this person
What is Success? Brainstorm ‘success’ What is inspiration? Draw a line or symbol that represents success for you. Look at the next picture. What do you think?
Who is Successful? Who is Inspirational? Who is Influential? Tutors to put pictures up of who is successful/inspirational to them – could be family members, famous people, anyone… Tutors to talk about the people who are successful/inspirational/influential to them Why are they inspirational?
Your Turn… Students identify these people for themselves
Why don’t we write to them? What do we want to ask them? As a class, make a list of things that you might want to ask these people What kind of advice do you want from them?
Writing your letter You have just written a letter in your English lessons Template Opening paragraph – why are you writing to them Then your questions Then thank them for reading and sign off
Sending our letters We need to send our best work Get someone to look over your letter before you hand it in in best to be sent All letters will be sent before the end of term so make sure you get yours in to Ms Gallagher or Ms Coppins