Expository Power Paragraphs
Review: Power Paragraph Structure I. Topic Sentence (about one of your three reasons/arguments/subtopics) A. Example A 1. Detail/Commentary 1: provides more info about Ex. A 2. Detail/Commentary 2: connects Ex. A to topic sent. B. Example B 1. Detail/Commentary 1: provides more info about Ex. B 2. Detail/Commentary 2 : connects Ex. B to topic sent. II. Concluding/Connection Sentence: Connects topic of body paragraph to overall position
Planning Before You Write You’ve already done some major pre-writing by planning your claim and points in your cluster map. Now, it’s time to USE those tools for your benefit as a writer.
Planning Before You Write KEY POINTS: ▫Use an outline to plan your body paragraphs before writing them. ▫Your outline should ONLY include ideas! ▫You don’t have to write in complete sentences until you reach the drafting stage!
Planning Before You Write Thesis statement we’ll work with today: ▫THESIS: If I could visit any location in the universe, I would visit the moon because I could experience zero gravity, wear a space suit, and explore the moon. What’s our claim? What are our three points?
Refer to your thesis! What is our first body paragraph going to be about? ▫THESIS: If I could visit any location in the universe, I would visit the moon because I could experience zero gravity, wear a space suit, and explore the moon.
Mini Lesson: Zero Gravity That’s orange juice!
Planning Before You Write 1 st Body Paragraph Outline 1 st Body Paragraph I.First, I feel ecstatic when thinking about the opportunity to experience zero gravity. A. Feeling weightless 1. Running & dancing 2. Feeling giddy B. Food/liquids 1. Floating balls of liquid 2. Could play games Bouncing around in zero gravity makes me want to go to the moon. I feel ecstatic when I consider the opportunity to experience zero gravity. Weightlessness would have bizarre effects on my body. I could sprint at great speeds and dance like Michael Jackson. Whether I were running or dancing, the effect of zero gravity on my body would make me feel giddy. Additionally, it would be just as outrageous to experiment with food and drink in space. Orange juice would turn into floating balls, and we could even create crazy games to play with floating food. Bouncing around in zero gravity makes me want to go to the moon.
Refer to your thesis! What is our second body paragraph going to be about? ▫THESIS: If I could visit any location in the universe, I would visit the moon because I could experience zero gravity, wear a space suit, and explore the moon.
Planning Before You Write 2 nd Body Paragraph Outline 2 nd Body Paragraph I.Also, I would finally be able to wear a spacesuit. A B Such jazzy attire would be a key factor in my moonwalk adventure. Also, I would finally be able to wear a spacesuit. Such jazzy attire would be a key factor in my moonwalk experience.
Refer to your thesis! What is our third body paragraph going to be about? ▫THESIS: If I could visit any location in the universe, I would visit the moon because I could experience zero gravity, wear a space suit, and explore the moon.
Planning Before You Write 3 rd Body Paragraph Outline 3 rd Body Paragraph I.Finally, exploring the moon would be the experience of a lifetime. A B Because of (Ex. A and Ex. B), I would never forget my travels on the moon’s surface. Finally, exploring the moon would be the experience of a lifetime. Because of (Ex. A and Ex. B), I would never forget my travels on the moon’s surface.
Quickwrite Respond to the following quote in your journals: ▫If we were to wake up some morning and find that everyone was the same race, creed and color, we would find some other causes for prejudice by noon. ~George Aiken (Look up the word prejudice if you need to) YOU HAVE 3 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!
Expository Essay Prompt Develop a cluster map for the following prompt: ▫PROMPT: Write an essay explaining the importance of respecting people’s differences.
Exit Ticket Create a thesis statement for the following prompt: ▫PROMPT: Write an essay explaining the importance of respecting people’s differences.
1 st Body Paragraph Outline 1 st Body Paragraph I.Topic sentence (one of the three subtopics in thesis) A B Connect paragraph topic to overall position of paper ____________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ _______________ Prompt: Write an essay explaining the importance of respecting people’s differences. DIRECTIONS: Complete the outline process on another sheet of paper, then compose your three body paragraphs with your outline.