1 Pertemuan 8 Participative Leadership, Delegation, and Empowerment Matakuliah: MPG / Leadership and Organisation Tahun: 2007 Versi: versi/revisi 1
2 Learning Outcomes After studying this chapter students should be able to: Understand what research methods have been used to study participative leadership Understand the major findings in research on consequences of participative leadership Understand the situations in which participative leadership is most likely to be effective Understand the major findings in research on the normative theory of leader decision making Understand procedures for the effective use of consultation Understand the potential benefits and risks of delegation Understand when and how to use delegation effectively Understand why follower perceptions of empowerment are important
3 Outline Materi Nature of Participative Leadership Consequences of Participation Research on Effects of Participative Leadership Normative Decision Model Guidelines for Participative Leadership Delegation Guidelines for Delegating Empowerment
4 Participative Leadership, Delegation, and Empowerment
5 Guidelines for Participative Leadership
6 Diagnosing decision situations –Evaluate how important the decision is –Identify people with relevant knowledge or expertise –Evaluate likely cooperation by participants –Evaluate likely acceptance without participation –Evaluate whether it is feasible to hold a meeting
7 Encouraging participation –Encourage people to express their concerns –Describe a proposal as tentative –Record ideas and suggestions –Look for ways to build on ideas and suggestions –Be tactful in expressing concerns about a suggestion –Listen to dissenting views without getting defensive
8 –Try to utilize suggestions and deal with concerns –Show appreciation for suggestions
9 Delegation
10 Delegation Varieties of Delegation –Used to describe a variety of different forms and degrees of power sharing with individual subordinates –Involves assignment of new and different tasks or responsibilities to a subordinate Potential advantages of delegation –Improvement of decision quality Research on consequences of delegation
11 Reasons for lack of Delegating Keep decisions involving confidential information Keep tasks and decisions that are very important Keeps tasks and decisions central to your role Keep tasks for which mistakes are highly visible Keep tasks you can do better than subordinates Keep tasks that are difficult to explain to subordinates Keep tasks that are difficult to monitor Keep tasks that are interesting and enjoyable 87% 76% 73% 58% 51% 43% 39% 24%
12 Guidelines for Delegating
13 Guidelines for Delegating What to delegate –Delegate tasks that can be done better by a subordinate –Delegate tasks that are urgent but not high priority –Delegate tasks relevant to a subordinate’s career –Delegate tasks of appropriate difficulty –Delegate both pleasant and unpleasant tasks –Delegate tasks not central to the manager’s role
14 How to delegate –Specify responsibilities clearly –Provide adequate authority and specify limits of decision –Specify reporting requirements –Ensure subordinate acceptance of responsibilities –Inform others who need to know –Monitor progress in appropriate ways –Arrange for the subordinate to receive necessary information –Provide support and assistance, but avoid reverse delegation –Make mistakes a learning experience
15 Empowerment
16 Video Watch video
17 Empowerment Nature of psychological empowerment –Meaning –Self-determination –Self-efficacy –Impact Consequences of empowerment Facilitating conditions for empowerment –The job –The organisation
18 –The culture –The employees –Trust –Employee involvement programs How leaders can increase empowerment –Guidelines for empowering
19 Closing Summary –Participative leadership to encourage and facilitate participation by others in making decision. –Studies on outcomes of using participation –Vroom and Yetton’s model of participative leadership –Delegation –Empowerment
20 Review and Discussion Questions Cases –Echo Electronics –Alvis Corporation Supplementary Reading –Somech, A Relationships of participative leadership with relational demography variables: a multi-level perpective. Journal of Organisational Behaviour. Vol. 24(8): 1003 ( hMode=1&sid=1&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309 &VName=PQD&TS= &clientId=68814http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=3&did= &Src hMode=1&sid=1&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309 &VName=PQD&TS= &clientId=68814 –Empowerment Myth by Bruce Tulgan (file Empowerment Myth.pdf)Empowerment Myth.pdf