Comprehensive Planning 9 February 2012
Welcome! Thank you for your interest in helping to shape the future direction of the Ridley School District. Please think about the your reasons for joining in this process. What do you hope to gain from this experience? Please be prepared to share a reason or hope.
Success Implement the plan Performance “norms” All participants have a voice Respect all input Considerate of others’ time with diligent and punctual attendance Come prepared Follow procedures Reach consensus AND move on Honor time constraints No personal agendas Program decisions based on vetted research Decisions support the mission Decisions consistent with goal themes and limitations
Comprehensive Planning The process formerly known as “Strategic Planning” Combines multiple, individual plans Induction Professional Development Technology Special Education School Improvement
Strategic Planning Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. In order to determine the direction of the organization, it is necessary to understand its current position and the possible avenues through which it can pursue a particular course of action. Generally, strategic planning deals with at least one of three key questions (Armstrong, 1986): 1. "What do we do?" 2. "For whom do we do it?" 3. "How do we excel?" J. Scott Armstrong (1986). "The Value of Formal Planning for Strategic Decisions: A Reply". pp. 183–
Getting Started Original Plan vs. Modified Plan Participation Themes Academic Achievement Fiscal Responsibility Systemic Accountability Strategic Communication Personal Accountability Statement
What do we do? Mission Statement Vision Statement Shared Values
Mission Statement Who you are, what you do, and defines the purpose of your organization as a whole. Why do we exist? Begin your responses to that question with the infinitive “ to ” be followed by an action verb Criteria for an Effective Mission Statement include: Short and sharply focused Clear and easily understood Defines why we do what we do Defines why the organization exists Sufficiently broad and general Provides direction for doing the rights things Inspires our commitment
Mission Statement It is the mission of the Ridley School District to create a caring environment that gives all students the opportunity to achieve their fullest personal and academic potential in order to become productive and responsible citizens.
Vision Statement Describes the District’s vision for the future if your organization is successful in its mission Meant to inspire providing a vivid portrayal of a bright future Realistic and clear aspirations
Vision Statement We will know our mission has been achieved when our graduates demonstrate the 21 st Century life roles of: Self-directed Learner - independently acquires information and skills so goals can be satisfied Responsible Citizen - understands the rights and responsibilities of self and others and respects community rules Collaborative Performer - contributes to group goals and cooperates in social, work, and academic endeavors Effective Communicator - listens, speaks, reads, and writes effectively to achieve personal, academic, and workplace objectives Problem Solver - recognizes a problem, generates and evaluates possible solutions
Shared Values What do we believe? We believe that…
Shared Values Survey What would you envision students educated in the Ridley School District being able to do 3 years from now? 5 years? 7 years? What would you like the role of the Ridley School District to be in the development of future citizens in our community What do you see as the present strengths of the Ridley School District?
Shared Values Count off by 9 Work to the time limit on each question Strength Role Able to do Split pages up and share anything that makes you curious What do you feel are some of the common themes in the results? Post your “We believes…”
Educational Community Is your community rural, suburban, or urban? What is the economic status of your community? What types of industries are in your community? What are your community resources? What are your organizational resources? How many and what types of students do you serve? What opportunities do you offer to your students or community? What opportunities does your community offer your students? How do your community and organizational members feel about your entity?
Professional Education Committee Required by law Nominations (6) Teacher representatives (chosen by the teachers) divided equally among elementary, middle and high school teachers (2) Educational specialist (chosen by educational specialists) including dental hygienists, school guidance counselors, home-school visitors, technology instructors, school psychologists, school restoration, and nutrition service specialist. (2) Administrative representatives (chosen by the administrators) (2) Parents of children attending a school in the district (appointed by the board of school directors) (2) Local business representatives (appointed by the board of school directors) (2) Community representatives (appointed by the board of school directors)
Special Education Committee Required by law Nominations (1) Administrator (1) Parent (1) Special Education Teacher (1) Regular Education Teacher
Moving Forward Welcome all interested participants communication Committee Assignments Meetings/Electronic work Draft data for review Action planning
Possible Ideas Blended Learning Grading and student achievement “Subgroup” achievement Connections with community Adult night school Student government Special education restructuring Tested content vs. non-tested content