Intermediate Group 2 Model Teaching Program Model 2YC Program Model Diversity Program
What Can 2 Yr Institutions Do? Build relationships with 4 year institutions Invite 4 yr faculty to give seminars, class lectures Teaching exchange: 4 yr faculty teach class at 2 yr institutions and vice versa Go on joint field trips Publicize good-news stories to administrators Teach students to be good learners: problem solving, team skills, open to new ideas, etc. Find out and use non-traditional skills they already have Leverage local professional societies Build national networks of 2 yr faculty Working Group 3
Broadening Participation Perspective may need to be broader, longer term than we traditionally think of: “Long-term” might take more than one generation, or may mean elementary/junior high teachers teaching the next generation Multiple interventions “Broad” should include other disciplines (env. sci., civil eng., aerospace) in addition to traditional under-represented groups Strategies Target early majors in other sciences, esp. environmental Be prepared to accept students leaving other stem disciplines Leverage other univ. recruiting organizations: sports, guidance counselors, other universities with recruiting orgs. Leverage HS guidance councilors; invite parents to recruiting events for students Build stronger relationships with local informal science centers Get earth science examples into HS chem., biol., phys. (AP)Courses Geo 101 is one of the best ready-made recruiting opportunities, but requires explicit recruiting focus Geo-TV? Young people are waiting for someone to tell them what to do … Working Group 3
K-12 Building long-term relationships with teachers is key Importance of faculty champions (who are not going to get rewarded for their efforts) We need to be conversant in their science standards Continually inform local teachers about new Earth Science resources Application of projects that can be done right in school yard (e.g. Soilweb on Google Earth) Those faculty teaching gen ed courses are teaching future teachers (your teaching materials/methods are crucial) Pre-service teachers need a lot of support (model UTeach program: building community early on is very important Recruiting teachers through dual-credit high school programs Career advice (AGI resources), mentorship are important Potential of offering field courses for credit, field guidebook for teachers Outreach programs, programs on wheels or visits to departments (involving graduate students is important) Broader Impacts in proposals need to be beefed up to encourage action Working Group 4
Diversity Building long-term relationships is critical Importance of faculty champions (who are not going to get rewarded for their efforts) Need for significant resources from administration Retention of students is a critical issue Potential role of on-line courses in supporting Earth Science programs at MSIs Working Group 4