Eng 10 Q3 W4 Spring 2015
Weekly Standards Reading Informational Texts ( Main ideas, analyze rhetoric) Writing: language use, ideas explained with evidence, MLA format, essay structure, technology usage.
Eng 10 DO NOW 2/3/15 If you learned a “5 paragraph essay” structure, how many “body” paragraphs are there suppose to be in a 5 paragraph essay? How many are you suppose to have for MLK? ELITE: What are those paragraphs supposed to be about?
Success Today Means 2/3/15 Students will learn how to develop a body paragraph focusing on explaining the main ideas of the letter (R.I.2) and/or a body paragraph analzying one element of MLK’s rhetoric. (R.I. 6) You know you are successful when you have three well-written or revised body paragraphs based of the rubric and the samples from class.
Elbow Partner Work 1. Is there a topic sentence? If so, what? 1b. Does the T.S. have a transition? If so, what? (W2c) 2. What element of rhetoric is the topic of the paragraph? 3. Does the author give evidence? 3a. If so, quotes or paraphrased? 3b. Line numbers included? 4. 1 good thing, 1 thing to improve
Eng 10 DO NOW 2/4/15 W2D-E- Essay must have all major elements: What major elements are there to an essay? What should be in the introduction for example?
Success Today Means 2/4/15 Students will learn or review elements of an effective introduction paragraph. You know you are successful when you have a well-written or revised introduction with background, a thesis statement with the main topics of each body paragraph incorporated within it.
Elbow Partner Work 2/4 Does the paragraph 1.Use an attention gainer strategy? If so, which one? 2.Have some “background info”? If so, highlight it. 3.Have a thesis statement? If so, underline it. 4.Does the thesis have the main idea plus the rhetorical terms in it?
Eng 10 DO NOW 2/5/15 (W8 Format your essay) What does “formatted” mean? What is “MLA”? What do you remember from MLA formatting your reflective essay last semester? How do you think a typed paper should be formatted?
Success Today Means 2/5/15 Students will learn MLA formatting. You know you are successful when you can correctly format your Word document using the MLA checklist.. Save the file on the server and in your EDMODO BACKBACK Save your file as: last name MLK Analysis (i.e. Wysocki MLK Analysis)
Eng 10 DO NOW 2/6/15 Turn in any Do Nows from Week 4. Also, turn in any drafts you no longer need, so I can give credit for W5 (If you are still using them, that is ok)
Success Today Means 2/6/15 Students proofread the latest draft of the essay and publish to Edmodo.