Week 7 Debates
On a separate sheet of paper, Who is on your debate team? (Not the topic, but your specific stance) In your opinion, who are the best speakers? Who do you think could give an opening speech that engages the crowd? Who is the most analytical? The most logical? Is there anything you can do to help a teammate who isn’t as good at speaking as you? English 10 DO NOW 2/23/15
Students will test their retention of basic terms of debate Students will plan their group presentation for the debate. (Each member should have a blue graphic organizer completed by now) Students will determine 3 main reasons to argue for their debate presentation. Students will prepare to “address the counterargument.” You know you are successful when you have your own personal copy of the team’s debate plan. You will need an official sheet to be turned in to me. Also, students will test their understanding of the academic language needed to complete the debate by taking the Debate Terms Quiz today. Success Today Means 2/23
We took a Debate Terms Quiz yesterday, which words did you struggle with? I will give you a chance to retest. If you missed the quiz yesterday, you can take an oral quiz with me when I have time. Speak with me when I am not busy to set up a time. If you did not quiz, write down a time during the day during which you would want to retest. English 10 DO NOW 2/24/15
Groups practice presenting their debates. Students should create notecards to help them with their EXTEMPORANEOUS speaking. You know you are successful when you have practiced actually saying each speaking part of the debate (after all you might have someone missing on the presentation day). Success Today Means 2/24
Hopefully by now your debate team has decided the three main reasons/arguments. Your thesis statement= stance + main reasons (i.e. Curfews should be abolished because they drain the police force resources, they are a burden on productive teenagers, and they go against basic American values) But today, think of a witty, slick, creative, insightful, interesting thing you can say to start your speak. The opening attention gainer, what will get your audience listening to your team? English 10 DO NOW 2/25/15
Students learn how to speak and listen as a team in order to finalize their opening and closing statements. Students will practice their social interpersonal skills to stay on task. Students know they are successful when they have a finished written outline and have spoken their debate out loud as if it were really happening at least twice today. Success Today Means 2/25/15
What are some types you would give to a nervous teammate to help them with their speech? In order to get full credit for all the standards, you have to analysis and critique someone’s argument, what part of the debate gives you a chance to show me how you “Evaluate a speaker's point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence”? Eng 10: DO NOW 2/25/15
S&L 2: Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source. S&L 3: Evaluate a speaker's point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence S& L 4: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task. Eng 10 DO NOW 2/25/15
Think back to when we wrote our reflective essay in the beginning of the year. What “attention gainer” or “hook” strategy did we use to start out introduction? Can you name another attention gainer strategy? (You had a sheet with a handful of different ways) English 10 DO NOW 2/26/14
Each member of the debate team writes out an opening statement speech. One page handwritten is about a minute speech (You might not have to give the opening statements, but if other team members don’t show on debate team, you’ll be ready) Each opening statement uses an attention gaining strategy that appeals to emotion, morals, or the beliefs of the audience (aka you add RHETORIC to your statements) Each opening statement always has a thesis statement. HW: Write out a closing statement speech. This is like the introduction because you will restate your thesis and leave us with some powerful idea/image. Success Today Means 2/26/14
Pick a topic and write a full paragraph argument. Take a stance, then backup that stance with evidence. 1.Cats are better pets than dogs 2. Females are better students than males 8 th pd DO NOW 2/26/14
You discover how to successfully engage in a Socratic seminar. You reflect on your experience and review your observer tally sheet to analyze how you can be more successful tomorrow when we discuss our research topics in a fishbowl Socratic seminar. Success Today Means 2/26
Great Debaters see the future. Let’s start predicting. Make this chart and fill it in with at least three items: English 10 DO NOW 2/27/14 Things our opponents might say against us Things we could say back:
You demonstrate your ability to critically analyze your own argument by finding weak points. These could be the reasons themselves, the lack of evidence in some areas, weak sources of information. You create a plan of attack before the debate even begins to prevent the other team from catching you off-guard. You demonstrate this plan by filling on the “Rebuttal (Projected)” box in your Debate Prep Worksheet HW: Complete your Debate Prep Worksheet. Success Today Means 2/27/14
Which section of the debate would you feel most comfortable presenting? Which section do you think you would struggle with the most? English 10 DO NOW: 2/28/14
Each Team assigns “tentative” roles fore each member. Every member must have at least one part. Team members may present more than one section if group is small. Teams practice presenting their debates. Team members will act as the opponents so that the rebuttal sections can be practiced too. HW: Review parts of debate for mini-quiz Monday. Debates are on Tuesday. See me if you think there is a schedule issue because absent on debate day= zero grade (just like with MLK presentation). Success Today Means 2/28