You need your Reader (spiral) Notebooks & Writer (composition) Notebooks
SUPPLIES CHECK: 1. Book of your own to read 2. CAT 3. Spiral (Reading) 4. Composition Book (Writing) 5. Folder
Wednesday, September 9: I will: read a book independently so that I can build my stamina (keep up with reading log and sticky notes) review vocabulary words so that I can apply my knowledge of figurative language devices listen to a story so that I can recognize the author’s use of figurative language write in my writer’s notebook so that I can keep track of my writing experiences this school year
Period 1-4 only Choose a team/pride name (2-3 words with alliteration) Choose a leader (only 1 per group) Review how to earn/lose points Display teams (one index card per group) on board Ms. Nye is THE ONLY ONE allowed to add/deduct points per team One team-One mission-Same goal! COOPERATIVE LEARNING!
Period 4 only INTRAMURALS Once a month-play games Compete after school on Thursdays (6th/7th/8th) Volunteer basis (1-5 students depending on the activity) Team points for student participation, teacher participation, and winning WINNING TEAM per grade level wins an end of the year party 1 st event-tug of war this Thursday after school in the main hallway
Writer’s Notebook: Page 1-Title Page Pages 2-7 Table of Contents Page 8-Writing Genres List *cut and paste Page 9-Registers of Language *cut and paste Page 10-Rules of Writing Page 11-Free Write Pages I Am Pages Writing Territories