ARigami Augmented Reality Instructions for Supporting Paper Folding Teamguide: Amar Kalloe, Harold Weffers Developer: Florian Windolf, Rubén Guerra, Veronika Ansorge, Sarah Bludau
Introduction Florian Windolf, TH Nürnberg Rubén Guerra, TU Eindhoven Veronika Ansorge, University of Duisburg-Essen Sarah Bludau, University of Duisburg-Essen
Augmented Reality live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) Sports: Football matches on TV: real-time demonstration like scores or distances Games: Ingress (Google, 2012)
Augmented Reality Progress: Concern rely on AR components in publicity and advertisement
Software Unity Cross-platform game creation system Used to develop video games for websides, desktop platforms, consoles and mobile devices Metaio Provides a SDK for programming PC, web, mobile and custom offline AR application 3ds Max 3D computergraphic and animationprogram Used in fields of games, comic, animation and film (TV/cinema)