Mrs. Sharp Elk Ridge Elementary School Open House Welcome to 1st Grade!
Mrs. Sharp 8 th year of teaching Master’s Degree in Education Reading Specialist Certification Member, Kappa Delta Pi – National Honor Society in Education Building Leadership Team Math Committee
Behavior Management Each child starts the day on Green. Please check and initial each night, or at the end of the month. Students with green or better at the end of the month get to pick form the prize box. Disrupting learning is cause for moving your clip down. Working quietly, staying on task, and being kind is cause for moving your clip up.
Daily Snack Each child will sign up for “Star of the Week”. This is their week to provide snack for the class. Please send a healthy snack that can be easily passed out during learning. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY TREE NUT PRODUCTS!!!!
Birthday Snack Please only send in healthy snacks. Cookies, cupcakes, donuts and ice cream are not permitted.
Star of the Week Each student gets a full week to be “Star of the Week”. This comes with special privileges: Monday- Bring a picture of yourself to share. Wednesday- Bring your favorite toy. Friday- Bring your favorite book to read to the class.
Math in Focus (Singapore Math) The program is based on building strong conceptual understanding of WHY they are doing something, versus rote memorization of an algorithm or process. The goal is for students to apply skills that they have learned. Also, the program builds a sense of logic and number sense. The children will be able to share why and how they came up with an answer.
Math Continued… Homework is not included in the program. The teachers are working on acceptable options for homework. More info to come! Informational Parent Meeting on September 14 th from 6:00-8:00pm at Nottingham Elementary
Literacy Curriculum Reading Streets Phonemic Awareness Phonics Vocabulary (HFW and Amazing Words) Reading Strategies and Skills Comprehension Writing Workshop and Journaling Small Group Instruction
Science and Social Studies Curriculum Foss - Solids and liquids, new plants Scholastic News, holidays, current events and community helpers
Student Evaluation Math assessments Reading- pretests, weekly tests and unit tests Individual & Group assessments Anecdotal Records Journals Teacher Observations Grading System
Important Policies Visitor Management System- visitors must sign in at the office and provide a valid ID to receive a pass to enter the building. Visitor Management System Volunteer Policy Assistive Volunteers vs. Independent volunteers. Volunteer Policy 4410 Car rider drop off. Change in dismissal requires a note.
Home Reading No 100 Book Challenge, but students should still be reading each night. 100 Book Challenge books will not go home. If you need books, please let me know and I will lend you my classroom library books.
Homework Nightly Reading – 20 minutes each night and record it on the reading log. Please return at the end of each month. We keep track of the minutes read by the whole school! Weekly literacy packets will be sent home starting in unit 1. They will be sent home on Monday and will be due by Friday. Math? Find a quite place.
Scholastic Book Orders Ordering online is quick and easy! Class code: J6H69 We earn free books each time you place an order.
Miscellaneous Specials are always on behavior calendar. Class website - Remind 101: To:
MAP Testing!!! Measures of Academic Progress