Imperial China Collapses
Sun Yixian Led the overthrow of the Qing dynasty in 1911 (Kuomintang) Sun becomes president of the new Republic of China Establish a government based on the “Three Principles of the People” 1.Nationalism (end foreign control) 2.People’s rights (democracy) 3.People’s livelihood (economic security)
Sun Yixian Sun see’s nationalism as a vital part of society Even though Sun is seen as a revolutionary leader, he lacked military support to secure national unity Gen. Yuan Shikai takes control and betrays democratic ideas Sparks revolts and eventually civil war
World War I China declared war on Germany in 1917 in hope of a allied victory In return, China would receive territories that belonged to Germany Treaty of Versailles gave those areas to Japan May 4, 1919 over 3,000 students protested in Beijing (May Fourth Movement) Students pushed for Soviet communism
Communist Party in China Mao Zedong began to develop his own style of communism Lenin sends military advisers & equipment (Chinese communists join Kuomintang) Jiang Jieshi (head of Kuomintang) promised democracy & political rights to people Reality, peasants did not get those rights (joined communist party)
Nationalists & Communists Clash April 1927, Nationalists troops & armed gangs moved into Shanghai (killing Communist leaders) Nearly wiped out the Communist Party Jiang becomes president of the National Republic of China Both the U.S. & Britain recognized the new govt. while the Soviet Union did not Communists upset with the actions which would bring on a civil war