Objective October 3, 2011 In our study of The Integumentary system The students will be able to Describe (comprehension) the main main functions and organs And show what they learned by Constructing (evaluation) a model of the skin section
Warm-Up What are the limitations of using a skeleton model to show how muscles enable movement.
The Integumentary System
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The Integumentary System Made of skin, hair, nails, and sweat glands
The skin - Largest organ of your body
Functions of skin It protects Regulates temperature Includes your touch senses Secretes oil
There are three layers of skin Epidermis Dermis Subcutaneous layer
Epidermis Strong and flexible Protective outer covering First line of defense from germs
Nourishes your skin through blood vessels Dermis
Subcutaneous layer Provides a cushion to your inner organs Provides insulation to keep you warm
Hair Grows about 1.5 cm per month
Hair Protects your skull Filters dust from entering your eyes and nose and ears
Nails Grow 1 inch per year
Nails Protects the ends of your fingers and toes
Sweat Glands Release About 1 Liter per Hour of exercise
Sweat Glands Keep you cool as the sweat evaporates from your skin Releases excess salt
First Degree Burn – like a sunburn
Second Degree Burn
Third Degree Burn – requires new skin to be put over the burns; goes into the second layer the dermis
Insect Bites – cause itching and swelling
Basal cell carcinoma Sqaumous cell carcinoma Melanoma Skin Cancer Can be cured if caught early
Missing fingernail from nail fungus
Reflection: What are the main functions of the integumentary system. List them in your journal.
Integumentary System Skin, Nails and Hair—Oh My!
Procedures to Skin Lab 1. Press the tape to the back of your hand 2. Remove tape quickly 3. Look at the sticky side of tape under the hand lens 4. Draw the dead skin cells
Procedures to Hair Lab 1. Pull 1 hair from your head 2. Examine both ends of the hair shaft under the hand lens 3. Draw what you observed
Procedures to Nail Lab 1. Use a hand lens to observe your fingernails 2. Draw what you observed
Skin cells from handHair out of headFingernail Compare the three parts of the integumentary system.
Hair is composed of… Strong, dead protein called keratin Keratin is a protein that makes up the nails and outer layer of skin Hair, skin and nails form from dead cells The dead cells will shed when new cells push up from the underneath