Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) 2009 Zorica Louis-Fernand MCA Training and Development Manager
2014 MCA and DOLS events House of Lords select committee MCA post legislative scrutiny report – March Supreme Court ruling on DOLS - March Government response to the MCA scrutiny committee report – June Sir Munby directions hearing Re: guidance on management of cases since SC – June Sir Munby preliminary judgment Re: guidance on management of cases since SC - August
MCA post legislative scrutiny report MCA held in high regard as a ‘visionary’ piece of legislation but 39 recommendations were made It is not widely used or understood For many professionals who should comply with the Act, it is an optional ‘add-on’ Standards against which the CQC inspect should explicitly include MCA/DOLS
Government response Valuing every voice, respecting every right: Making the case for the Mental Capacity Act Immediate actions to be taken with respect to professional training Consider the case for establishing a new independently chaired Mental Capacity Advisory Board
Supreme Court ruling on DOLS Introduced the ‘acid test’ Deprivation of liberty = P under continuous supervision and control and not free to leave Not relevant to this test: Compliance / lack of objection to the placement Relative normality of the placement Reason / purpose of the placement
DOLS useful documents Department of Health Care Quality Commission Association of Directors of Adult Social Services
Daunting Overwhelming Lengthy Stressful
SAFEGUARDS In practice… Deprivation denial Of a person’s Liberty Human Rights SAFEGUARDS
Article 5: Protection for security and liberty No-one shall be deprived of their liberty save according to a procedure prescribed by law Everyone deprived of their liberty shall be entitled to take proceedings
Article 8: Respect for private and family life Freedom of correspondence; Right not to be in a crowded living space; Access to fresh air and exercise; Privacy in washing and toilet; Privacy for visits; Confidentiality of medical records; Freedom from surveillance of daily life; Freedom from searches of living space and person.
MCA / DOLS authorisation assessments Care Arrangements Deprivation of liberty? ECHR 5 & 8? Best Interests? assessments 2 key questions: Are these care arrangements in the person’s Best Interests? Is there a breach of Articles 5 and/or 8?
Is it deprivation & does the person lack capacity? DOLS process Is it deprivation & does the person lack capacity? } Now? Within next 28 days? ↓ ↓ Issue Urgent Authorisation (for up to 7 days) -may only be extended by Supervisory Body ONCE Apply for a Standard Authorisation AND ↓ Decision CQC review
Joseph Yow – MCA Manager (County Lead) 01223 715583 Zorica Louis-Fernand – MCA Training Manager 01223 715491 Charanjit Panesar – DOLS administrator 01223 715581 Training administrators – Elly Eyers and Clare Hobbs 01223 699307 01223 703538