LCDR Jonathan Dowling Deputy Staff Judge Advocate Navy Region Southwest (619)
Title 18, United States Code Presidential Executive Order DoD R (Joint Ethics Regulations) 32 Code of Federal Regulations 2635 SECNAVINST Ethics Gram 14-01
Basic Obligations of Public Service Bedrock Standards of Conduct 32 CFR 14 General Principles *Ensure Public Confidence in its Gov’t*
Public service is a public trust Place public trust over private gain Don’t acquire/retain private financial interests that appear to/do conflict with official duties Act impartially in performing your duties Protect and conserve the federal property and resources entrusted to you
No financial transactions using non-public info or the improper use of such information to further a private interest Cannot give preferential treatment to any private organization or individual Do not engage in outside employment or activities, including seeking or negotiating for employment, that conflict with official government duties Avoid actions creating an appearance that you are in violation of the law or ethical standards
Officers Enlisted (minor exceptions) Civilian federal employees Contractors (If compliance set forth in Contract) Some former government employees Reservists If performing official duties On inactive training Earning retirement points
Criminal Prosecution Military = UCMJ Violations Civilians = Federal Prosecution Administrative Action NJP Adverse Action Civil Penalties
5 CFR – Subject to restrictions Distinction between Official & Personal Capacities - Official – part of official duties – Workplace * May use official title & position * CFC, NMCRS, “By Your Own/For Your Own” - Personal – Off Duty, Not to Subordinates * Cannot Use or Permit use of official title or position associated with public office to further the fundraising effort, but can use rank and/or service
JER – Fundraising/Membership Drives - Employees shall not officially endorse any Non-federal Entity (NFE) except: * Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) * Navy & Marine Corps Relief Society * “By-Your-Own/For Your Own” (BYO-FYO) JER – Personal Participation in NFEs - May voluntarily fundraise outside official duties - Use of titles tends to suggest official endorsement or preferential treatment by DoD of the NFE - Purely personal, unofficial volunteer efforts to support fundraising outside the workplace is authorized - Component Heads can authorize non-workplace sites
General Announcement, providing POC Solicit from Active Duty during duty hours Cannot solicit from DoD civilians, contractors May accept contributions from all sources Car wash, Bake sale, Trivia contest (entrance fee), 5K run, bowling tournament Senior officials may voluntarily offer prizes for raffle, trivia contest prize
– Do not solicit from subordinates – Do not solicit from DoD contractors – Efforts (off-base) do not imply DoD endorsement No use of official title or position Rank and branch are permissible, but look at context – Do not use government resources
Campaign “Potholes” - Setting 100% participation goal - Inquiry re whether or amount of donation - Establishing personal $$ goals and quotas - Creating/using Non-Contributor Lists - Using campaign results in FITREP appraisals - Official off-base fundraising for the NMCRS is not permissible
Sale/Rental Use of Gov’t property/privilege - Military Civilian Clothes Privileges - Special Liberty - Preferred Parking
Prohibitions Against Gambling - Generally, State Law Controls (Cal. PC ) * “Crimes against Public Decency & Good Morals” SECNAVINST NMCRS Annual Fund Drive - No Raffles (Except NMCRS Annual Fund Drive, only when approved by SECNAV & “consonant w local law”) - No Carnival-type Games of Chance - No Solicitation of Businesses - Prize Donations - No Use of Gov’t Property as Raffle Prizes
California Constitution prohibition on raffles/lotteries March Proposition 17 & SB639 CAL Penal Code §320.5 “Eligible Organizations” – “Beneficial or Charitable purposes” OK if organization complies w defined process - In-state raffles only/Detachable coupons or stubs - 90% proceeds must be used for beneficial goals - Must first register with CAL Dept. of Justice - Provide Fed TIN, CAL corporate or Charitable Trust # - Accounts subject to state Audit - Must file annual report with aggregate receipts, direct costs incurred and charitable/beneficial purposes met