Access to Services for Persons with Disabilities in Challenging Environments Dear Participants, Our seminar « Access to services » is based on exchanges, encounters and discussions. In order to identify each other more easily, we ask you to fill in the small document (“introduction form”). Then, all introduction forms will be collected and shared between participants. You can write them in French, English or Arabic, according to your working language. Thank you for returning them to Marion by 30th November You can choose your pictures; Please keep the same colours suggested in the example. Good organisation and see you soon! © Handicap International
Access to Services for Persons with Disabilities in Challenging Environments International Seminar Amman, Jordan 7 – 11 december 2009 © Handicap International Ashok Bikram Jairu Executive Director Nepal National Social Welfare Association (NNSWA) Kanchanpur, Far Western Region-Nepal Briefly introduce yourself
Access to Services for Persons with Disabilities in Challenging Environments Major Experience: I am working in Far West Region of Nepal and contexts in this Region: Many PwDs are living without having support Poverty associated with PwDs and Negative Attitude existing with Family and Community Nepal Government has lot of Policy Provision towards the Disability but implementation is poor What are your two major experiences in relation to the access to services ?
Access to Services for Persons with Disabilities in Challenging Environments According to your experiences, what are the biggest obstacles to the access to services for persons with disabilities ? -PwDs service paying capacity is poor -Parents are feeling extra burden due to lack of awareness - Distance of service centres - Negative attitude of the general public - Lack of accessibility (No barrier free Environnement) - Geographical situation of Far West (hills, mountains)
Access to Services for Persons with Disabilities in Challenging Environments According to your experiences, what can facilitate the access to services for persons with disabilities ? -To provide service near to PwDs - Proper information - Trained human resource in community level -Family based education system - Home based care system -Provide socio economic supports - Support to specialisation and right based services -Awareness on disability -To make responsible of Nepal Government -Integration of disability work with development program
Access to Services for Persons with Disabilities in Challenging Environments To which question would you like this seminar to answer ? Any new Innovations for PwDs Rehabilitation through Integrated Programs/Activities