E. Solano. GAIA Meeting, Menorca, Oct 2009 GAIA and the Virtual Observatory Enrique Solano, LAEX/CAB (INTA-CSIC) Spanish VO Principal Investigator
E. Solano. GAIA Meeting, Menorca, Oct 2009 Outline The GAIA Archive: some basics Requirements on data interoperability The Virtual Observatory The role of the Spanish-VO in the exploitation of GAIA data by Spanish teams.
E. Solano. GAIA Meeting, Menorca, Oct 2009 Introduction The satellite: ESA responsibility The Data Processing: –Collaboration all over Europe (> 300 scientists and software engineers ). –Tasks: Preparation of the algorithms to reduce GAIA data. Generation and supply of simulated data to support the design, development and testing of the entire data processing system. The design, development, procurement and operation of all aspects of the processing environment. Participation in the design, development and operation of the Gaia database. –The ESA Project Scientist and the GAIA Science Team supervised all this.
E. Solano. GAIA Meeting, Menorca, Oct 2009 DPAC: organisation
E. Solano. GAIA Meeting, Menorca, Oct 2009 GAIA Archive: proposed architecture O'Mullane, Besancon June’09 ESA must have a copy of the Archive (ESAC mandated to be repository of all ESA space science data). Does not preclude others also having a copy.
E. Solano. GAIA Meeting, Menorca, Oct 2009 GAIA Archive: requirements Fast engine to answer queries is a must.Whatever the interface (Web, Virtual Observatory,…) Fast engine to answer queries is a must. (Remember: 1 billion objects).
E. Solano. GAIA Meeting, Menorca, Oct 2009 GAIA Archive: requirements (II) The archive should allow powerful queries.
E. Solano. GAIA Meeting, Menorca, Oct 2009 GAIA Archive: visualisation tools
William O'Mullane European Space Astronomy Centre 9 AS Gaia Besaçon, France June 29th 2009 Releases very tentative … Yes more than one – we wont make you wait till But all remains tentative Probably one after 2-3 years –Some Astrometry and some Photometry One more after 5 years –Full astrometry better photometry, spectra Then the final one 8 years after launch –Variable stars, astroparams …
E. Solano. GAIA Meeting, Menorca, Oct 2009 GAIA Interoperability requirements: Easy comparison with selected archives Light curves: –Multi-epoch observations (~ 80 in 5 years). –Photometric precision: About 20 millimag at a magnitude of 20. –Shortest integration time is 4.4 seconds. Many tens of millions of variable objects in time scales of seconds to years can be detected. BUT Irregular and not dense sampling To be complemented with other archives
E. Solano. GAIA Meeting, Menorca, Oct 2009 GAIA Interoperability requirements: Easy comparison with selected archives
E. Solano. GAIA Meeting, Menorca, Oct 2009 Radial velocities: (σ (Vr) : 15 km/s) ~ stars (9 < I < 12) R = 7500 Ca-triplet ( 8410 – 8795Å) GAIA Interoperability requirements: Easy comparison with selected archives
E. Solano. GAIA Meeting, Menorca, Oct 2009 Proper motions: GAIA Interoperability requirements: Easy comparison with selected archives Vicente, Heidelberg, Sep’09
E. Solano. GAIA Meeting, Menorca, Oct 2009 Other physical parameters: Teff, logg, metallicity,… GAIA Interoperability requirements: Easy comparison with ALL archives
E. Solano. GAIA Meeting, Menorca, Oct 2009 SED building ZYJHK JHK ugriz riHα GAIA Interoperability requirements: Easy access to ancillary data Mid-IR
E. Solano. GAIA Meeting, Menorca, Oct 2009 Overcoming GAIA limitations –Dust obscuration determination of the extinction law –Star confusion in the FOV (> stars/sq. deg) Infrared surveys (2MASS, UKIDSS,…) may help in regions of the galactic plane, in the inner regions of globular clusters or in SFRs. GAIA Interoperability requirements: Easy access to ancillary data
E. Solano. GAIA Meeting, Menorca, Oct 2009 DPAC is producing extensive libraries of synthetic and observational templates with improved physics for all the classes of objects. GAIA Interoperability requirements: Easy access to theoretical data
The VO goal “All the world’s astronomical data should feel like it sits on the astronomer’s desktop” Std s Tools Science
The Spanish VO Structure: Structure: 9 FTEs at LAEX. Network of (almost) 100 people. Structure: Structure: 9 FTEs at LAEX. Network of (almost) 100 people.
The Spanish VO and the Spanish teams involved in the scientific exploitation of GAIA data. VO Science: Key aspect in the SVO project. Goal: Liaison between SVO and research groups who have identified scientific drivers to motivate the adoption of a Virtual Observatory methodology in their science cases. The SVO role in the collaboration will be to – Science case assessment from the VO point of view –Provide information and support about the existing tools to tackle the scientific problem –If necessary, develop new analysis tools.
VO Science (II)
VO Science (III)
The Spanish VO and the Spanish teams involved in the scientific exploitation of GAIA data. Development of VO tools.
The Spanish VO and the Spanish teams involved in the scientific exploitation of GAIA data. Development of VO services for theoretical models.
The Spanish VO and the Spanish teams involved in the scientific exploitation of GAIA data. Development of VO archives.
Conclusions The quantitative and qualitative step forward GAIA will represent in terms of discovery potential also demands a step forward in the way the data is shared. Although recent, VO is a consolidated initiative that represents the framework where to develop archive-related activities. The Spanish VO is willing to collaborate with the Spanish teams involved in the scientific exploitation of GAIA data.