GDP Teen life
TL210 Q: Do teenagers use their special skills or hobbies in their work or part-time job? A: Teenagers don’t usually use their skills and abilities for part- time jobs because mostly teenagers where we live don’t work at all, and if they do, it is in a retail shop, e.g. packing clothes in a clothing shop or washing cars and work in fast food shops. Many teens use their skills for extra-curricular activities and I know a lot of people in my school who use their special talents for community services in places like Old Age Homes and Orphanages.
Music Are there many conflicts between teens that listen to rock and rap music at your school? We are in a boarding school so things like that don’t happen. People just mind their own business and nobody cares what type of music you listen to. However, you do get battles between hip hop dancers and amabhujwa (a township dance). The only kinds of conflicts that you get concerning music are between people who listen to house music and those who don’t. For some unmentionable reasons people who listen to house music feel very offended when other people have negative comments about it. They try to convince people that house is truly South African township music and has deep meaning. People who don’t like house say that from different Disc jokers, the songs are very similar and not at all original or meaningful. The conflict is only between the people who actually listen to house music.