Did this promotion work? In what ways? In this unit, you will learn how promotional opportunities & techniques aid a company and how sales & public relations all correlate with promotional strategies.
Promotional Mix Elements Examples
Is persuasive communication RIP – Remind, Inform, Persuade AIDA – ▪ Attract Attention ▪ Build Interest ▪ Desire ▪ Ask for Action
Convince prospects to select its products or services instead of a competitor’s brands Explain major features & benefits Helps companies foster good relations with existing customers = enhances loyalty
Used to create a favorable image for a business Help it advocate change Take a stand on trade or community issues
1. Personal Selling 2. Advertising 3. Direct Marketing 4. Sales Promotion 5. Public Relations
Requires that a company employ sales reps who generate and maintain direct contact with prospects and customers Examples???
Give some examples of local businesses based on the following questions: What kind of advertising is done by this business? Does the business use personal selling to sell its products? Does the business use any sales promotions? How could the business use public relations to build and promote itself or its products?
Think about the sales force in relation to the financial goals of a business. What are promotions really trying to accomplish? Brainstorm the types of promotions you frequently encounter…
Incentives that encourage customers to buy products or services Try a new product, build awareness, increase purchases by current customers, or reward loyalty Sales Promotion Trade Consumer
Are sales promotions activities designed to get support for a product from manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers More money is actually spent on promoting to businesses than to consumers
Are sales strategies that encourage customers and prospects to buy a product or service Coupons, premium deals, incentives, product samples, sponsorships, promotional tie-ins, product placement, loyalty marketing programs, online loyalty marketing, point-of- purchase displays
Form of non-personal promotion Where can it be found? Examples???
Type of advertising directed to a targeted group of prospects and customers rather than to a mass audience Examples??
All marketing activities – other than personal selling, advertising, and public relations – that are used to stimulate purchasing and sales. Examples??
Activities enable an organization to influence a target audience Often they try to create a favorable image for a company, its products, or its policies Publicity: involves bringing news or newsworthy information about an organization to the public’s attention Examples?
Mini Project: Situation: You are to assume the role of an employee of a service station that also has an attached convenience store. The station owner is an enthusiastic fan of the local professional football team. The station owner has decided to celebrate the team’s victories by offering free coffee on Monday’s following a victory of the football team. The station owner has asked you to prepare a report with an outline for a promotional plan for the free coffee promotion!!!
Evaluation: you will be evaluated on how well you meet the following: Develop a promotional plan Analyze the use of specialty promotions Identify the elements of the promotional mix Prepare an oral report by using power point and present to the class