THEME: Methods of contraception in different population groups. (LAM, DHS, EMK, contraception and teenagers over 35 years, emergency, after abortion and postpartum contraception)
Structure of the lesson introduction The theoretical part The practical part - Supervision of patients - The algorithm practical skills The analytical part - Case study - Drawing up organizer - Analysis of test
Procedure sheet of occupation № Occupation Stagesя Occupation forms Duration in minutes 1Parenthesis of the teacher (justification of a subject, occupation purpose) 10 2Discussion of homework is carried out by the game "Boom" Poll game "Boom" Appendix No Reception and kuration of thematic patients in policlinic and in a day hospital Conducting outpatient appointment of pregnant women, interpretation of analyses. 60 4Discussion of practical part of occupation with the teacher. Disskusiya, poll, control over the implementation of practical skills Appendix No
Procedure sheet of occupation 5Seminar on discussion of the report of students onRh – and AB0 of conflict pregnancy and early токсикозахДоклад the student with discussion 60 Break30 6Work in small groups, the solution of situational tasks Game" Solution of problems", situational tasks of a subject (Приложение№ 2) (Appendix No. 3) 50 7Conclusion of the teacher of scope of occupation, assessment of knowledge of students of the 100th ball system and obyavleniye of estimates. The announcement to students of a subject of the following occupation for preparation (The list of questions of a subject according to rotation). Magazine, working program30 8Self-contained work with literature in library.Control questions20
Purpose of the lesson To teach students methods of contraception in adolescence, post- abortion contraceptive methods, advantages and disadvantages of voluntary surgical sterilization, lactational amenorrhea method (LAM), contraceptive methods in women older than 35 years, the methods of emergency contraception and counseling methods of natural contraception.
Tasks GPs should know: Principles of counseling on contraceptive methods in adolescence Features of the woman's body and her state of reproductive health in different age periods after childbirth, abortion, as well as the presence of extragenital diseases. The principles of post-abortion contraception The principles of postpartum contraception Principles of counseling on contraceptive methods in women older than 35 years Principles of counseling methods of natural contraception The principles of the method of emergency contraception
Tasks GPs should be able to: Counseling on contraceptive methods in different populations Medical history; General inspection; gynecological examination
Interobject and inside object communications Obstetrics and gynecology Normal and the pathological anatomy Clinical pharmacology immunologyGematology Therapy Patfiziologiya
Control questions What types of contraceptive use during adolescence? What methods of contraception is recommended postabortion period? List the benefits of voluntary surgical sterilization What are the disadvantages of voluntary surgical sterilization What conditions lactational amenorrhea method (LAM)? What methods of contraception in women older than 35 years, you know? List the types of emergency contraception What are the indications for emergency contraception What is the side effects of emergency contraception?