Update on the XMM Slew Survey Richard Saxton 1, M. Pilar Esquej 1 Andy Read 2, Michael Freyberg 3, Bruno Altieri 1, 1 ESAC 2 University of Leicester, U.K. 3 MPE, Garching, Germany 3
Status summary o Finished processing for 15% of sky (revs ) o 5200 (3300) sources detected in total, soft and/or hard band with det_ml>8 (10) o 845 in hard band (426) o Significant number of spurious detections (see later) o Some overlap: 105 sources seen in more than one slew o Mean positional error ~8” o Plan to release catalogue, via the XSA (v2.9) and as FITS file at end of Feb or March. Outstanding Work: Identification of counterparts Removal/assessment of spurious sources
Identifications Cross-correlated source list with Simbad, NED, HEASARC. Also working with the GAVO cross-matching tool to find the most likely optical/2MASS/radio counterparts. Found counterparts for 55% of sources. Represented categories: AGN: 500 Galaxies: 750 Clusters/groups : 80 Active stars: 80 SNR: 12 LMXB: 16 HMXB: 3 WD: 2 HB (Z=3.4)
Correlations with ROSAT 55% of sources correlate with ROSAT (non-extended, DET_ML>10) 1% show variability by > factor of ten Mean rate XMM/ROSAT =10
Spurious detections Extended source: mainly due to SNR Halo of bright source: mainly LMXB High Background: indistinguishable from extended source, 30s flare = 45’ diameter “remnant”. Optical loading:
Large/Bright Extended Sources XMM slewROSAT HRI Sources found in Puppis-A
Bright source
High background Many sources due to background flare
Optical loading Only important for the very brightest Stars. Sirius
Optical loading Only important for the very brightest Stars. SiriusSgr X-3
Hard sources After removing spurious sources due to the effects mentioned before, we are left with 707 hard sources but expect only ~ from previous ln-n/ln-s work. Hints that sources may be related to background level
Hard sources After removing spurious sources due to the effects mentioned before, we are left with 707 hard sources but expect only ~ from previous ln-n/ln-s work. Hints that sources may be related to background level
Extended sources 15% of sources extended Associations with 81 zwicky/Abell clusters
Galaxy Clusters Sensitive to relatively faint clusters thanks to wide band-pass and low background.
Gallery of famous clusters
A 2029
Also famous SNR VELA
Conclusions Expect to make catalogue public in 1-2 months Battling with spurious sources. How many ?, which ones ?, where to cut in parameter space ? Making progress with identifications Many high-z detections Interesting Rosat/XMM variability Potentially interesting extended sources Project starting this year to provide an upper- limits server for slew images as part of XSA
Survey Characteristics Source Count DistributionExposure Time Distribution 4 ~ 10 seconds - Can calculate flux limits for the XMM-Slew survey
RASS 5.0x (92% of sky) EMSS 3.0x (2% 0f sky) HEAO-1 3.6x (all-sky) Exosat 5.0x (?% of sky) RXTE 1.0x (all-sky), but with only 1 ° positional accuracy Flux limits
Extremely Bright Sources Several LMXB at few hundred c/s
Detector problems Affects one CCD so must be detector related Often appear as non-single events Very soft spectrum with a peak at 100 eVEvents occur within 1 frame Detector map shows events Confined to 1 CCD.
Spurious Sources… … due to crab off-axis !Sources 1 & 3 of Pilot#1