CS318 Decision Support Systems Rationale: This course aims to provide students with fundamental knowledge on decision support systems for managers and IS developers. This discipline is a combination of several different disciplines: mathematical models, database systems, expert systems, neural networks, data mining, operations research, management science, user interface, graphics techniques and programming techniques.
Course Outline: PART A IManagement support systems: An Overview 1. Managers and Computerized Support 2. Decision Support Systems (DSS) 3. Development process of a DSS IISystems, Mathematic Models, and Decision Support 1. Systems 2. Models 3. The Modeling Process 4. Critical Success Factors 5. Human Cognition and Decision Styles 6. Making Decision in Group IIIDecision Support Systems : An Overview 1. The Illustrative case for DSS 2. Introduction: What is a DSS; 3. Characteristic and Capabilities of DSS 4. Components of DSS 5. Classification of DSS and Their Support
IVData Management 1 Sources of Data 2. atabase and Database Management Systems: An Introduction 3 Fourth-generation Systems 4 Object-oriented Databases 5.Enterprise Decision Support and The Information Warehouse 6.Intelligent Databases VModeling and Model Management 1. Modeling in MSS 2. Static and Dynamic Models 3. Treating Certainty, Uncertainty, and Risk 4. Types of Modeling: Decision Trees, Mathematical Programming, Simulation, Heuristic Programming, Influence Diagrams, Forecasting, Spreadsheet, Multi- dimensional Modeling 5. Model Base Structure and Management VIUser Interface 1. User Interfaces: An Overview 2. Interface Modes (Styles): Graphics and Graphical User Interface (GUI), Multimedia and Hypermedia, Visual Interactive Modeling, Virtual Reality 3. Geographical Information System (GIS) 4. Natural Language Processing: An Overview and Methods 5. Research on User Interface in MSS
VIIConstructing a Decision Support System 1. Development Strategies 2. The DSS Development Process: Life Cycle versus Prototyping 3. Team-developed versus User-developed DSS 4. End-User Computing and User-developed DSS 5. Selection of a DSS Generator and Other Software Tools 6. Developing DSS in the Windows Environment PART B VIIIData Warehousing 1. Basic concepts of data warehousing 2. Data warehouse architectures 3. Some characteristics of data warehouse data 5. The reconciled data layer 6. Data tranformation 7. The derived data layer 8. The user interface IXData Mining Overview on data mining Association rules Classification Clustering Some other data mining problems
XNeural Networks in Decision Support 1. Introduction 2. ANN representations 3. Perceptron Training 4. Multilayer networks and Backpropagation algorithm 5. Remarks on the Backpropagation algorithm 6. Neural network application development 7. Benefits and limitations of ANN 8. ANN Applications in decision support References [1] Turban, E., Aronson,J.E., Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems- 6th Edition, Prentice-Hall, Instructors: Part A: Dr. Le Van Duc Part B: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Duong Tuan Anh