The graduate experience in theatre
My personal experience Five week rotation Five week rotation Two preceptors Two preceptors Experience in all nursing roles Experience in all nursing roles Assessments Assessments Lectures Lectures Supernumerary Supernumerary
The Grad nurse theatre manual Objectives and assessments Objectives and assessments Learning material on all aspects of theatre Learning material on all aspects of theatre Sample paper work and protocols Sample paper work and protocols Graphics including gowning and gloving Graphics including gowning and gloving
Preceptors Minimize conflict in skills teaching and theory education Minimize conflict in skills teaching and theory education No need to re-establish current knowledge and skills with new people every day No need to re-establish current knowledge and skills with new people every day More accurate assessments and comments on performance More accurate assessments and comments on performance Continually build on pre-existing knowledge from previous education – No overlapping Continually build on pre-existing knowledge from previous education – No overlapping
WGHG specific Every member of staff works in all areas of theatre and relieve each other Every member of staff works in all areas of theatre and relieve each other Grad nurses can plan to work in areas that will allow them to meet objectives Grad nurses can plan to work in areas that will allow them to meet objectives Grad folder assists in filling knowledge gaps Grad folder assists in filling knowledge gaps Most staff and surgeons are very helpful and keen to teach Most staff and surgeons are very helpful and keen to teach
Stumbling blocks Terminology!!!! Terminology!!!! Appropriate balance between theatre experience and useful skills Appropriate balance between theatre experience and useful skills Coping with being competent and proficient on wards to knowing nothing in theatre Coping with being competent and proficient on wards to knowing nothing in theatre