Grid measurements
Global Grid Forum Areas: APME, ARCH, DATA, GRID SEC, ISP, P2P, SRM Working / Research Groups GridFTP WG Grid High-Performance Networking Research Group (GHPN-RG) Network Measurments Working Group (NM-WG)
NM-WG Working Drafts, XML Schema...
GHPN-RG Networking Issues, Use Cases Path-oriented use case: HEP Emergency Apps. with Wireless Sensors
GHPN-RG Knowledge-based use cases: collection and usage of network performance info Passively Monitored Data (like file-transfer usage) Administrative setup of Schedules of Measurements (network performance through triggered sessions) Service Optimization (user apps and middleware)
NetLogger A Toolkit for Distributed System Performance Tuning and Debugging Determine the source of performance problems with detailed end-to-end instrumentation timestamped event log visualization
Sample NetLogger results