22/10/092 UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA Summary Introduction Production of the school atlases: Objectives Objectives Methodology Methodology Research on School Cartography Research on School Cartography A methodology for the production of local atlases A methodology for the production of local atlases The Sumare School Atlas Conclusion
22/10/094 Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP 22 campuses in Sao Paulo State –
22/10/095 Local atlas projects
22/10/096 In Brazil, the curriculum created in the 90s focuses on regional study for the first years at primary school. The theoretical categories for that study are Place, Landscape, Territory and Region. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA UnespIntroduction
22/10/097 The Geography curriculums deal with the suburb, the city and their surrounding areas in the four years at primary school. The themes studied require the production of local materials for school use. That was not common in the past. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA UnespIntroduction
22/10/098 Another factor: Is the increased migration movement that has occurred in the last three decades that has caused some displacement in terms of belonging to a local culture and having an identity within it. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA UnespIntroduction
22/10/099 Following a request by teachers to create an atlas of the region we coordinated two local atlas projects: 1996 to 2000 – Rio Claro, Limeira and Ipeúna 2006 to Sumaré UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA UnespIntroduction
22/10/0910 Production of the school atlas General Purpose To create an atlas that promotes identity and a feeling of belonging through having more knowledge of the region. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA Unesp
22/10/0911 Objectives 1. To define themes for the Atlas starting with the issues presented by the schools 2. To do research to establish a sociocultural diagnosis of the school population. 3. To define a thematic axis starting with the results of the sociocultural diagnosis. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA Unesp
22/10/0912 Methodology Local school atlases are very different in nature to other types of atlases: They should be appropriate to the school curriculum They should be organized according to a sequence of concepts and abilities that will be acquired by the students over several years. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA Unesp
22/10/0913 They present topics related to the daily experiences of the users in that place. The similarity between the information of the atlas and the local knowledge of the users makes it more accessible. They can quickly identify mistakes that it may contain. That also makes it more open to criticism by the users. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA UnespMethodology
22/10/0914 The production of local school atlases demands thorough research so that these problems can be avoided. The production of local school atlases demands thorough research so that these problems can be avoided. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA UnespMethodology
22/10/0915 Research on School Cartography Research on School Cartography within the context of teacher education and the production of the curriculum can be done in two ways: Research on School Cartography UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA Unesp
22/10/ By adapting the theoretical and technical knowledge of cartography to primary and secondary school contexts thereby establishing a clear difference between university and school curriculums. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA Unesp Research on School Cartography
22/10/ By looking at the teaching practices and how well they expose the learners to new knowledge. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA Unesp
22/10/0918 Research on School Cartography That implies we need to consider different social backgrounds as a reference when carrying out atlas activities within schools. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA Unesp
22/10/0919 Research on School Cartography The methodology was collaborative action-research between the university and the local department of education (schools). CLANDININ, D.J. & CONNELY, E. M. Narrative Inquiry. Experience and story in qualitative research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA Unesp
22/10/0920 Research on School Cartography This concept led to the two projects that we mentioned, whose results we used to propose a methodology for the production of local atlases. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA Unesp
22/10/0921 A methodology for the production of local atlases. To this end we came up with the fundamental points of our methodology, which are as follows: 1. To carry out thorough research on the student’s background and the culture and values associated with that community, in order to be able to identify the elements that make up the local culture. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA Unesp
22/10/ To choose thematic axes around which the content of the atlas should be organized. 3. The central axis discusses identity and belonging. 4. To adapt the maps, graphics and texts to the children's learning level. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA Unesp A methodology for the production of local atlases.
22/10/0923 The Sumaré School Atlas Level 1. For children from 6 to 8 years The students that are learning how to read and to write should have an atlas composed of drawings and images, which they can easily understand. It needs to consider the way children think about time and space - that is done in a non-sequential way and takes into account their interests. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA Unesp
22/10/0924 The children invite other children to get to know the city using the atlas.
22/10/0925 Hello! I’m going to school. I go to a school calledJosé de Anchieta. It is in Jardim Carlos Basto. Carlos was the owner of the place where my school was built. Aerial view of the school This school is different in that it has an Environmental Education Center.
22/10/0926 We did a study of what we call "area of influence" in each school: We used the students' addresses in order to locate the neighborhoods from where they come. The school is in the center of the neighborhoods surrounding it. So the school was the starting point for the maps. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA Unesp The Sumaré School Atlas
22/10/0927 T The child begins with a map of the area where his/her school is located. T That atlas doesn't need to be followed in sequence. I It presents neighborhoods and places using pictures, drawings and maps of the local area. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA Unesp The Sumaré School Atlas
22/10/0928 Identification of neighborhoods and streets. Pictorial symbols.
22/10/0929 Level 2. For children from 9 to 12 years of age. This level approaches the contents from the following thematic axis Identity and Belonging UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA Unesp The Sumaré School Atlas
22/10/0931 Quilombo Valley City and Nature The city was established in a riverine valley called Quilombo.
22/10/0932 Aerial view State and Citizenship The municipality stood out in terms of urban and industrial growth.
22/10/0933 Charts adapted to the level of the students. The visual perception is very clear.
22/10/0934 Work and Consumption - Large storage areas for various products. - Council housing
Conclusion appropriate methodology identity and a feeling of belonging The creation of a local school atlas demands an appropriate methodology to promote identity and a feeling of belonging. knowledge of the place It also demands a good knowledge of the place, its transformation over time and space. central argument It generates an idea from this knowledge, which will serve as the central argument in the architectonic organization of this material. visual presentation The visual presentation of the atlas also forms part of this central idea. 22/10/0935 UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA Unesp
22/10/0936 Thank you for your attention. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA Unesp