Documents of Destiny
1.) Allied/Central Powers Allied Power: England, France and Russia (eventually U.S. and Italy) Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria U.S. – remains neutral until 1917
2.) Lusitania It was a British ship sunk by German u-boats (submarines)
3.) Nat’l Defense Act Warm-up yesterday
U.S. entry to war German submarines sunk 5 U.S. ships Zimmerman Note – Germany proposed Mexico join Central Powers
Declaration of War April 4, 1917
Selective Service Act Made it mandatory for men ages to register with local draft board
Espionage and Sedition Acts Avoid the overthrow of gov’t by radical groups Prohibit public from saying/writing anything disloyal about gov’t
Russia Overthrow Czar Nicholas II Communist Revolution
Schenck Passed out pamphlets telling those drafted to avoid service to their country
Methods/Weapons Submarines Planes Big Bertha (cannon) Poisonous gas
Fighting End November 1918
Death toll 8.5 million
14 Points Created by President Wilson 1-9 (Self-determination) (Causes of modern warfare) Final Point: League of Nations
Big Four – Treaty of Versailles Wilson: U.S. George: England Clemenceau: France Orlando: Italy
Outcome of Treaty of Versailles German disarmament Forced to admit full responsibility of war Made to pay 6 billion in reparations