MAINE Highway Safety Information System Liaison Meeting Chapel Hill, North Carolina September , 2015 Darryl Belz, P.E. Maine Department of Transportation
Objective Implementation of the Highway Safety Manual Development of Maine Calibration Factors for the following facility types: Rural two-lane, two-way roads 2-Lane Undivided (R2) 3-Leg Stop Control (R3ST 4-Leg Stop Control (R4ST) 4-Leg Signalized (R4SG) Urban and suburban arterials 2-Lane Undivided (2U) 3-Lane including a TWLTL (3T) 4-Lane Undivided (4U) 4-Lane Divided (4D) 5-Lane including a TWLTL (5T) 3-Leg Stop Control (U3ST) 3-Leg Signalized (U3SG) 4-Leg Stop Control (U4ST) 4-Leg Signalized (U4SG)
Calibration Team Dennis Emidy, P.E. Regional Traffic Engineer, MaineDOT Sarah LeBlanc, E.I. Assistant Engineer, MaineDOT Kara Aguilar, E.I. Assistant Engineer, MaineDOT Greg Costello Senior Technician, MaineDOT Edward Hanscom, P.E. Public Service Mgr II, MaineDOT
The Project Manager, Bullwinkle
5 Maine Conditions
Replace default crash statistics with local values All facilities Crash severity and collision type Ratio of nighttime to total crashes Ratio of driveway-related crashes to total crashes (segments) Urban and suburban facilities Pedestrian adjustment factor Bicycle adjustment factor
What We Did Calibration Factor Calculation Predicted Crash Frequency Calculation Data Collection Site Selection Facility Type Identification
Step 1 - Facility Type Rural two-lane, two-way roads 2-Lane Undivided (R2) 3-Leg Stop Control (R3ST 4-Leg Stop Control (R4ST) 4-Leg Signalized (R4SG) Urban and suburban arterials 2-Lane Undivided (2U) 3-Lane including a TWLTL (3T) 4-Lane Undivided (4U) 4-Lane Divided (4D) 5-Lane including a TWLTL (5T) 3-Leg Stop Control (U3ST) 3-Leg Signalized (U3SG) 4-Leg Stop Control (U4ST) 4-Leg Signalized (U4SG 13 total facility types for calibration
Step 2 – Site Selection 30 to 50 sites 100 crashes per year minimum for each site type Randomly select sites
Step 3 – Obtain Data Obtain crash data Three full calendar years Obtain site characteristics data Appendix Part C, Table A-2 Some default values were used Presence of spiral curves Centerline rumble strips Automated enforcement Intersection red light cameras
Data Needs for Calibration
Data Needs (continued)
Data Sources As-Builts Automatic Road Analyzer (ARAN) MaineDOT databases Route Log Mile Filter Map Viewer Transportation Information for Decision Enhancement (TIDE) Maine Crash Reporting and Analysis for Safer Highways (C.R.A.S.H) Google overhead imagery Google streetview
ARAN Automatic Road Analyzer
ARAN Capabilities Right of Way Video Roughness Pavement Distress Rutting Positioning - GPS Positioning - DMI Texture
Panaramic Photo-Log 640 x x 1080
Custom Angle Photo-Log Right Side View Rear View
Upcoming Automation Roadway geometric data Cross slope Edge of pavement drop-off Horizontal curves Vertical curves Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates Asset location data to within inches High definition right of way images Three high definition cameras (1920 x 1080 pixel resolution) Single 145 degree image every 4 millimiles (21.12 feet) Vertical clearance measurements
Example Data Collection Results
Step 4 – Calculate the Predicted Crash Frequency Step 1: Predicted crash frequency under base condition Segment: segment length and AADT Intersection: AADT for major and minor roads Step 2: Predicted crash frequency for non-base condition Calculate CMF using roadway characteristics data Step 3: Total crash frequency for the facility type IHSDM Crash Prediction Module was used for rural two- lane, two-way roadways HSM Spreadsheets were used for urban/suburban arterials
Step 5 – Compute Maine Calibration Factor Calculate the SPF Maine calibration factor base on equation A-1 in Appendix A of HSM
Maine Calibration Summary
Maine Specific HSM Spreadsheet Set up for evaluating several alternatives at one intersection Maine-based calibration factors for overall crash rates are included Maine-based crash type and severity information replaces the default values Allowance for up to three additional crash modification factors has been included A crash cost tab has been added to estimate crash costs (and benefits) of intersection alternatives
Maine Specific HSM Spreadsheet Original Spreadsheet developed by: Karen Dixon, Ph.D., P.E. Oregon State University School of Civil & Construction Engineering
28 Maine Specific HSM Spreadsheet Example CMFs: Pavement Markings, Right Turn on Red, Flashing Beacons, Median Width, etc. Worksheet 2B -- Crash Modification Factors for Rural Two-Lane Two-Way Roadway Intersections
Maine Specific HSM Spreadsheet Crash Costs and Benefits of Intersection Alternatives IntersectionIntersection Type Total Crashes per Year Crash Crashes per Year for Compariso n Unit Crash Costs ($)Crash Costs ($) Benefits ($) Alternative3ST (3-leg, 1-stop)ObservedEstimated EstimateTotalFIPDOFIPDOAnnual Pres WorthPresent 4ST (4-leg, 2-stop) PredictedExpectedto (fatal and(property (based onWorth 4SG (4-leg, signal) Compare injury)damage 10 only) years) Baseline/No-Build4ST Expected Alternative 14SG Predicted Alternative 24SG Predicted Alternative 34ST Expected Alternative 44SG Predicted Alternative 54ST Expected Worksheet Source 3A 3B Discount Rate 6% dropdown menu inputsmanual inputs
Local Calibration Case Study HSM with locally calibrated factors on a rural intersection study in South Berwick at State Routes 236 and 91 Five intersection alternative designs were evaluated and compared to the existing or “no-build” option For a comparison, the HSM was also used without the locally calibrated factors 2015 AASHTO Sweet Sixteen High Value Research Project Award
Local Calibration Case Study Proposed Alternatives Alternative 1 Alternative 3 Alternative 2 Alternative 5Alternative 4
Local Calibration Case Study Comparison
Summary Calibration allows for HSM implementation in Maine Calibration factors developed for rural two-lane roadways and urban/suburban arterials (segments and intersections) using state-wide data Significant manual effort involved for some data collection Adapted the HSM spreadsheets for Maine implementation with alternative analysis Case Study shows the benefits of implementing local calibration factors
Future for Calibration in Maine Develop localized calibration factors? 16 counties – probably too much effort and widespread differences 5 MaineDOT regional offices – factors for each regional HSM user 8 geographical regions with varying terrain and weather conditions By County? By Geography? By Region?
Thank You Darryl Belz, P.E. Maine Department of Transportation