ZH in higgs portal scenario ‘09 6/18 Takahiro honda (Tohoku)
Dark mater production There are three types of dark-mater –φ : neutral scalar –Χ : majorana fermion –V : neutral vector e + e - Z Z h DM Analyze Z→quark-per Dark mater mass is 70 GeV Higgs mass is 120 GeV Coupling constant is set up below –Cs = Cf/Λ = Cv = 0.1 Set up Scalar : Fermion : Vector :
Comparion of cross section between theory and physsim scalar fermionvector Center mass energy vs evaluated value Evaluated value is defined as ( theoretical_σ - physsim_σ ) /teoretical_σ Ecm (GeV) 1% error is assigned on the physsim calculation. (Th-Phys)/Th (%)
Comparison of missing energy histogram among scalar,fermion and vector For scalar type, the distribution is shaper. --> Why? Emiss(GeV)
Summary and plan Physsim results of cross section agree with the theory. To solve the missing energy plobrem, I’ll analyze it again by using information of generator.
Missing momentum P miss (GeV ) scalar fermion vector
cosθ distribution cosθ scalarfermionvector