a technical overview Image Collection Workflow and Tools Michael Durbin 2010 Brown Bag Presentation Series April 21, 2010
February 11, 2016 Introduction and Overview oSteps to complete a collection for publication Starting from a set of digitized images and metadata model Ending with a public-facing application for users to access the materials oTools and Applications
Starting Point: Images and Metadata Plan oSources New digitization effort Migration of existing collections Combination: Migration coupled with new digitization Other February 11, 2016
Examples oUS Steel old site / new site* old sitenew site oLiberian Collections Photographs cataloging access oDigital Library of the Commons: Images new site oHohenberger old site / new site* / cataloging access old site new sitecataloging accessFebruary 11, 2016
WORKFLOW AND TOOLS February 11, 2016
Workflow & Tools: Overview oIngest objects – Ingest Tool oIndex objects – Fedora Index Service fielded search, browse, facets, ranking, sort… oCataloging interface - PhotoCat configure fields, controlled vocabulary interaction oDiscovery and access interface configure fields, search behavior, browsing, facets, controlled vocabulary interaction February 11, 2016
Workflow: Ingest February 11, 2016 Physical ObjectDigital FilesRepository Object Hoh tif Hoh mods.xml Hoh mix.xml iudl:5081 DC METADATA (METS) MODS MIX THUMB SCREEN LARGE SCALABLE RELS-EXT iudl:5081 DC METADATA (METS) MODS MIX THUMB SCREEN LARGE SCALABLE RELS-EXT
Tools: Ingest Tool oHistory Started development in 2006 Rewritten/Adapted several times oFunctionality Transform any existing descriptive metadata Generate technical metadata from image files Reconcile with existing objects in repository Create/Update objects in repository oConfiguration Specify object type, file locations, etc. February 11, 2016
Workflow: Indexing and Searching February 11, 2016
Tools: Fedora Index Service and SRU Server oHistory Born out of Fedora GSearch and OCLC SRW service around 2006 Has been extended and improved for nearly every collection oArchitecture Receives messages from the repository Maintains indexes Exposes searches using SRU February 11, 2016 Lucene Search Index fedora-index- service SRU/SRW
Tools: Fedora Index Service and SRU Server oConfiguration Fedora Index Service XSLT to transform metadata into name value pairs Configuration for field analysis SRU Service List of properties describing fields to expose Field and query analysis February 11, 2016
Workflow: Cataloging Interface February 11, 2016
Tools: PhotoCat oHistory Developed to meet a growing need starting around 2007 oFunctionality fully configurable metadata model fully configurable field display loads of special purpose improvements oConfiguration Field display Field interaction Field validation Field storage Search behavior February 11, 2016
Workflow: Discovery Application February 11, 2016
Workflow: Discovery and Access Interface oHistory Born from code written for the Slocum collection around 2006 Incorporated enhancements needed for IN Harmony oFunctionality Search Browse Facets Filters Date support CV query enhancements JQA query analysis February 11, 2016
Workflow: Discovery and Access Interface oConfiguration Search fields Browse fields Facet fields Thesaurus interaction Search results fields Full record fields Look and Feel February 11, 2016
Workflow: Access Interface Branding oColors/Fonts/Icons Conform to IU visual identity guidelines Conform to collection manager’s vision for the collection oTools CSS STRUTS Photo Render February 11, 2016
Tools: photorender oUses SRU search and the repository as the source for image data oHas several pre-configured layout patterns oSupports user manipulation of the viewpoint oWritten in Java using the Java3D library February 11, 2016
Example: Hohenberger Photographs oSet up Indexer/SRU oSet up Photocat oCustomize search and browse application February 11, 2016
Workflow Summary Great and versatile tool set Adaptable Powerful Useful Tedious to configure and deploy February 11, 2016
IMPROVEMENTS February 11, 2016
Improvements: Configuration consolidation oOverlap between configuration files February 11, 2016
Configuration consolidation (cont.) February 11, 2016
Example: Digital Library of the Commons oStep one: Fill out spreadsheet oStep two: generate configurations oStep three: make any customizations oStep four: catalog and browsecatalogbrowseFebruary 11, 2016
Improvements: Future Plans oGoals Be able to bring up new collections without: A software developer/programmer Waiting for a scheduled maintenance window oImprovements Needed Live/Hot configuration updates Configuration interface Bounds for configurability oDevelopment Strategy Incremental improvements Add functionality to template as needed Generalize with every improvement February 11, 2016
Thanks! Questions? February 11, 2016