1 The GSBPM and ESS statistical business process metadata Session 4 H. Linden, Unit B6 Eurostat Workshop on Statistical Metadata (METIS) (Geneva, 5-7 October 2011)
2 Context and objectives Commission Communication (August 2009): Vision for improving the production methods of European statistics and their efficiency within the ESS. Need of vertical (between Eurostat and NSIs) and horizontal (between statistical domains) integration of the business processes. GSBPM: «metadata are used as an over-arching bridge all across the statistical processes». => The use of harmonised metadata within the ESS appears essential: * Rationalisation of the statistical business processes * Reduction of costs and burden at European and national levels * Ensure better quality of data and metadata produced
3 The need for information To have a global picture of the ESS concerning statistical business processes and if NSIs use a particular business process model To have a global picture of the ESS concerning process related metadata available in NSIs An example of possible solutions: To use a common structure used among the ESS in order to collect process related metadata => Eurostat launched a survey to obtain these overviews => A first structure has been drafted by Eurostat
4 The Eurostat survey General information: Project started in 2008/ /2011 (3rd Phase): particular focus on: –the use of a business process model (GSBPM or other) –Assess the contribution of the GSBPM –collection of related business process metadata (current collection, feasibility, obstacles…) 33 NSIs covered: 27 MS + 3 EFTA + 3 CC Main results presented and discussed at the MWG in June 2011
5 Main results of the survey 1a. Business process model in place Few NSIs have adopted the GSBPM as such … About half of the NSIs do have a business process model
6 Main results of the survey 1b. Relation of the used model to the GSBPM ? …most of the models in place are related to the GSBPM
7 Main results of the survey 1c. Current and future extent of use of the model General intention of further use of the existing model in the future
8 Main results of the survey 1d. Plans for using the GSBPM ? => 4 NSIs have chosen the GSBPM => 10/14 NSIs intend to use a model
9 Main results of the survey 1e. Why no model in place? => Main issue concerns resources (both human and financial)
10 Main results of the survey 1f. To which issues do the GSBPM contribute ? 1. Helps the standardisation 3. Further development + ensure quality 2. Better description + increased understanding 4. Impact on Organisation structure + Measurement of operational costs
11 Main results of the survey 2a. Availability of process related metadata
12 Main results of the survey 2b. Need of better documentation 2. In particular for Phases 2,9 and 5,6 1. Need of better documentation for all phases (>50% NSIs) 3. Lower extent of need for Phase 7
13 Use of business models: –About half of NSIs have a business model in place –Many plans for further adoption of GSBPM –Heterogeneous situation on the use of a model –GSBPM contributes to several issues –Main issue in NSIs: lack of resources Main conclusions of the survey Process related metadata : –Better availability for Phases 4,5,7 –Possibility to get some information also for Phases 1,8,9 => Clear need of better documentation for all Phases
14 A common structure for process documentation Need of better documentation Need of standardisation of process related metadata Need of further integration => 1st draft proposal from Eurostat of a common structure for the compilation of process related metadata within the ESS The Eurostat Process Metadata Structure (EPMS)
15 A common structure for process documentation - Focus on Phases 4 to 7 of the GSBPM (main phases of concern in Eurostat). - Re-uses concepts from other existing structures (e.g. ESMS). - Will be linked to specific statistical domains. The EPMS: Compilation of test files in some Eurostat domains for evaluation and further improvement of the Structure …
16 A common structure for process documentation - Main focus on statistical processing - Correspondence with the GSBPM - Re-use of concepts from the ESMS
17 Conclusions The use of harmonised metadata is an essential pre- condition for the further vertical and horizontal integration of statistical business processes in the ESS. GSBPM and related business process models are expected to be broadly used in the ESS. Based on the GSBPM, a first common structure for the collection of process related metadata has been drafted by Eurostat and will be further tested and discussed in the ESS.