Case Study Cloete van Vuuren ID Physician
50 year old male Abscess over L parotid gland Cryptoccal meningitis 2010 PTB 2010 – completed 6/12 of Rx Stopped TDF/FTC/Efv 1 year ago
Pus aspirated – ZN pos, GeneXpert Rif Resistant
Sputum culture – Rif, INH resistant – Aminoglycoside and Moxifloxacin sensitive Initiated on Amikacin Moxifloxacin Teridizone Ethionamide PZA
ART 50 year old male Weight 33 kg CD4 = 49 sCreat = 70 Hemoglobin = 6.4 Calculated Creat clearance = 48.9 Unable to walk
Which ART Regime do you initiate this patient on? 1.Tenofovir/Emtricabine/Efavirenz 2.Zidovudine/lamivudine/Efavirenz 3.Stavudine/Lamivudine/Efavirenz 4.2NRTI + Nevirapine 5.2 NRTI + Aluvia
Delirium? 1.Chronically ill and debilitated 2.Alcohol withdrawal 3.Secondary infection 4.Medication 5.Other
Which one of the following drugs is the most likely cause of his delirium? 1.Efavirenz 2.Moxifloxacin 3.Teridizone 4.Pyrazinamide 5.Ethionamide
Desperately trying to sort out his delirium: Biochemically normal No other infection identified Switched to Nevirapine Stop all TB drugs Haloperidol
Which side effects should be routinely monitored during the injection phase? 1.Renal function 2.Hearing test 3.Thyroid function 4.Liver function 5.Fullblood count
Delirium DVT
Is DVT’s associated with Tuberculosis or TB Rx? 1.Yes 2.No
Month 3 on MDR TB Rx: Due to his delirium it is impossible to do a hearing test Creatinine – 150 Hemoglobin increased to 10 g/dl Sputum culture negative
His Creatinine rises to 230 – will you stop the Amikacin? 1.Yes 2.No
Month 6 Can sit out – walk short distances Gaining weight 31kg – 45 kg More orientated Monthly sputum TB cultures negative Efavirenz – no effect on delirium
Discharge Will come to work daily – only “non-strenous”work Will DOT at ward
Does not come regularly for medication Often smells of alcohol Family? Social worker involved
Virological failure ? 1.Switch to AZT/3TC/Aluvia 2.Request Genotype 3.Tenofovir/3TC/Aluvia 4.Other
Adherence intervention DOT ART in the morning with MDRTB treatment
K103N, M184V
Disappeared for a month
Why is this patient not taking his treatment? 1.Treatment illiteracy 2.Social circumstances 3.Poor support 4.Mood disorders 5.Alcohol abuse
HIV Dementia
Conclusion Social circumstances Alcohol Delirium DVT HIV Dementia TB/MDR TB vs HIV “Human Nature”
Case 2
1.When did you initiate your first patient on ART? 1.< – None
Depressi on PNPN MI Choleste rol In-stent thrombosis
Aug10Sep 11Feb 12Oct 13 Total Cholestero l (mmol/l) Trig (mmol/l) 56 HbA1C11.5%
Aug 10 Sep 11Feb 12Oct 13Mar14Apr 15 Total Cholesterol (mmol/l ) Trig (mmol/l) HbA1C11.5%6.7%7.3%
Aug10Sep11Feb12Oct 13Mar14Apr 15Oct 15 Total Cholesterol (mmol/l) Trig (mmol/l) HbA1C11.5%6.7%7.3%
Case 3
In your experience, what is the most common reason for failing 2 nd line ART? 1.Not taking treatment 2.Not absorbing 3.Side effects 4.Mood disorders 5.Substance abuse
M41L D67N V75IM M184V L210W T215Y A98G V106I Y188L
Is she taking her treatment? 1.Yes 2.No
M41L D67N V75IM M184V L210W T215Y A98G V106I Y188L RHZE
What will you do? 1.Continue as is 2.Tdf/FTC/Raltegravir 3.Tdf/FTC/Raltegravir/Darunavir/r 4.Other
Conclusion Take nothing for granted (Double check everything and everybody)