Possessing the Secret of Joy Chapter Analysis Questions Part Why do you think Evelyn sees Mbati as her daughter? 2.What did Evelyn say that convinced M’Lissa to allow her to stay with her alone? 3.Why does Mbati trust Evelyn/Tashi so much? 4.Evelyn states, “It is hard to believe that this gray-haired and graybeard old man is my husband, and has been my dearest friend for over fifty years. And was my lover.” Why does Tashi use the past tense in reference to Adam being her lover? 5.Why do you think that the people in the courtoom rebuke Adam speaking of the “taboo”? 6.What does Adam connect “the child crying” in the beginning of the novel to?
Possessing the Secret of Joy Chapter Analysis Questions 7.What do African men think of the female vagina? Why do they think this way? Does this make sense to you? 8.What is psychological circumcision? 9.What is your interpretation of the story that is being told by Pierre about the God Amma? 10.What is Pierre rational for why he is bi-sexual? Does his rationale make sense? 11.What is your opinion of the sexual duality that Pierre speaks of? Does it make sense to you? 12.What is the connection between female circumcision and foot binding? 13.What is ironic about Adam wanting Pierre to marry? 14.Why is it based on what we have read that a woman that is sexually promiscuous considered to be loose but a man is just a man?
Possessing the Secret of Joy Chapter Analysis Questions 15.Why do you think Tashi killing M’Lissa was the freeing of herself? 16.What do you think of Pierre revelation that men fear of a woman’s ultimate individuality or independence, when mentioning Queen Anne? 17.Why did what Amy said to Evelyn upset her so much? 18.What is the white women’s hysteria? 19.How was Amy's face like that of a clowns? 20.Why do you think Evelyn tries to find an excuse for Amy’s mother’s actions?