Attendees (names without pronunciation) Matteo Uggeri : Milano -METID Lorenza Leita : Milano - Poliedra Göran Karlsson : KTH Mar Gonzalez : Altran Miguel Arjona Villanueva : ALtran Lutz Goertz : MMB Victor Sandoval : ENPC Amaury Legait :ENPC
Contractual issues Next week, all partners should submit the consortium contract to their layer. By the end of the week, ENPC will send them : 1) Budget per partner and per item 2) Signatures on one page It is claimed by partners that the budget allocated to travel is small. ENPC makes it clear that the budget allocated to conferences could be used for travel if DLAE meetings are collocated with conferences and dissemination at such conferences. ENPC will provide a simulation budget with a full reallocation of conferences to travel.
Communication issues 1) Net meetings Conference solutions : all 2) Web site; domain name (ENPC) 3) Distribution list by (Altran) 4) Look and feel of the Web site (Metid) End of the month : All partners : propose solutions Decision : next meeting
Project definition 1) Study existing accreditation processes 2) Mission statement for OUR accreditation process. Find a differentiating factor. Added value of our ptoject. End of the month : All partners : propose elements Decision : next meeting
Study existing accreditation processes DETC (distance learning) and AMBA (management) : all partners Plus national approaches 1.Italy : ASFOR and ministry 2.ENPC and MMB : how to use EQO 3.France : ECTS accreditation board 4.Germany : ZFU and Accreditation council and DMMV and Netherlands 5.Spain and Sweden : national council for education Produce one or two page per approach (one month) ENPC to produce a guide for description (one week)
Accreditation processes Web sites DETC : AMBA : ECTS label : erasmus/appl_forms.htm EQO : National approaches 1.Italy : ASFOR and ministry 2.Germany : ZFU and Accreditation council and DMMV and Netherlands 3.Spain and Sweden : national council for education
Next meetings Presence meeting 12 January : ENPC 26 March (Madrid) 5&6 July : internal workshop (Sweden) 15 October : Milano December : open workshop (Brussels, OnlineEdu in Berlin or Madrid?) Net-meeting / Teleconference/ Phone 12 February at 10am (90 minutes) 5 of March 10am 15 of April 10am 15 of June 10am