Information about the work of the Check point "Brest (Terespol)" of Brest Customs
Check point«Brest (Terespol)» (Belarusian-Polish part of the border)
Check point«Brest (Terespol)» (Belarusian-Polish part of the border) Scheme checkpoint 3
Check point«Brest (Terespol)» (Belarusian-Polish part of the border) Scheme checkpoint 4
Check point«Brest (Terespol)» (Belarusian-Polish part of the border) Passport of the object Status: International Related checkpoint: Terespol Character of international communication: Passenger Type of international communication: Road Operating mode: 24h Customs : Brest customs Code: 09112
The capacity of the check point Check point«Brest (Terespol)» (Belarusian-Polish part of the border) The capacity of the check point 2 350 passenger cars per day No 350 buses per day
Operating mode of customs Check point«Brest (Terespol)» (Belarusian-Polish part of the border) Operating mode of customs Name of organization: Republican point of customs registration «Warshavskii most», Belarus, Brest, Warsaw highway, 1 Operating mode: 24h Phone: + 375-162-47-04-10 Fax: +375-162-20-15-19 Internet adress: E-mail: Telephone hotline: +375-162-470-218 Phone operations duty officer: +375-162-470-183
Check point«Brest (Terespol)» (Belarusian-Polish part of the border) Control agencies The border control Name of organization: The military unit 2187 Department of border control «Warshavskij Most» Operating mode: 24h Phone: +375-162-470-970 Fax: +375-162-23-75-44 Internet adress: E-mail: No Telephone hotline: +375-17-265-90-08
The veterinary control Check point«Brest (Terespol)» (Belarusian-Polish part of the border) Control agencies The veterinary control Name of organization: State institution «Belarusian control of state veterinary supervision at the state border and transport» Operating mode: 24h Phone: +375-162-53-15-36 Fax: Internet adress: E-mail: Telephone hotline: +375-162-24-31-10
The phyto-sanitary control Check point«Brest (Terespol)» (Belarusian-Polish part of the border) Control agencies The phyto-sanitary control Name of organization: Main state inspectorate for seed production, quarantine and plant protection Operating mode: 24h Phone: +375-162-20-42-79 Fax: Internet adress: E-mail: Telephone hotline: +375-162-28-55-56
Check point«Brest (Terespol)» (Belarusian-Polish part of the border) Control agencies The transport control Name of organization: Transport inspectorate of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Belarus Operating mode: 24h Phone: +375-162-47-04-61 +375-165-47-04-62 Fax: +375-165-20-31-62 Internet adress: E-mail: Telephone hotline: +375-17-286-76-96
The sanitary-quarantine control Check point«Brest (Terespol)» (Belarusian-Polish part of the border) Control agencies The sanitary-quarantine control Name of organization: Headquarters «Brest regional centre of Hygiene, epidimy and health protection» Sanitary - quarantine department «Warshavskij Most» Operating mode: 24h Phone: +375-162-20-53-75 Fax: Internet adress: E-mail: Telephone hotline: +375-162-21-54-29
The insurance companies Check point«Brest (Terespol)» (Belarusian-Polish part of the border) The insurance companies Name of organization: Belarusian republican export-import insurance «EXIMGARANT of Belarus» Operating mode: 24h Phone: +375-162-20-65-00 Fax: +375-162-21-14-53 Internet adress: E-mail:
The insurance companies Check point«Brest (Terespol)» (Belarusian-Polish part of the border) The insurance companies Name of organization: Belarusian republican unitary insurance company «BELGOSSTRAKH» Operating mode: 24h Phone: +375-162-20-69-67 Fax: Internet adress: E-mail:
Check point«Brest (Terespol)» (Belarusian-Polish part of the border) Banks Name of organization: BELARUSBANK Department 100/208 Operating mode: 24h Phone: +375-162-22-10-42 Fax: +375-162-27-75-10 Internet adress: E-mail:
Check point«Brest (Terespol)» (Belarusian-Polish part of the border) Food supply point Name of organization: No Operating mode: Phone: Fax: Internet adress: E-mail:
Check point«Brest (Terespol)» (Belarusian-Polish part of the border) Retail trade stores Name of organization: Joint enterprise«BELA TRADING DUTY FREE» Operating mode: 24h Phone: +375-162-20-52-00 Fax: +375-23-66-67 Internet adress: E-mail:
Check point«Brest (Terespol)» (Belarusian-Polish part of the border) DUTY FREE SHOP Name of organization: Joint limited liability society «BELAMARKET duty free» Operating mode: 24h Phone: +375-162-20-67-01 Fax: +375-162-23-66-67 Internet adress: E-mail:
System of green and red channels Check point«Brest (Terespol)» (Belarusian-Polish part of the border) System of green and red channels Red channel Goods to declare Green channel Nothing to declare