Survey Conducted at Jim Green Residence
According to given feedback, tenants are encountering connectivity issues as regards to their Wi-Fi connection A survey will consequently be carried out with aim of helping to tackle down the matter The end result of the survey will subsequently enable to figure out the overall Wi-Fi connectivity and so yield in improving the quality reception of each suites respectively Furthermore, the results will aid in figuring out whether the existing routers are functioning properly and if not whether new ones and precisely how many new ones are to be added for the improving of the Wi-Fi receptivity In a nutshell, the survey will be a significant milestone in the whole process as it will provide us with the behavioural information of each tenants as regards to their internet usage and at same contribute in helping to improve the free wireless connections of Jim Green residents’ Let’s move on to the survey
The Survey was performed on… Let’s have a look 1 Majority of tenants were being questioned in the kitchen or being stop in the main entrance area
Among the 43 % of tenants who declared not connecting to the Internet only 20% affirmed not connecting because of not knowing how to use a computer, whereas the rest emphasized their complete disinterest towards computer usage How do you connect to Jim Green Wireless Connections ? The 20% who don’t know how to use a computer as well as the 9% who connect via their phone would be willing to receive a computer if they are being taught how to use one
Among 43% of tenants who use their computer 19% of them watch movies online
90% of tenants declare regularly facing wireless connection issues 90% of tenants experience network issues when they are already being connected and hence while browsing on the web
Among the tenants who connect to the internet, 91% claimed of always having encountered wireless connection issues When tenants are being asked how they would rate the importance they attach to internet speed on a scale of 1 to 5 they all answered 5
How much time do you spend on Internet on a daily average ? Majority of the 36% of tenants who spend 3 to 4 hrs on a daily basis are more or less streaming The streaming factor may be the reason behind a slow speed of internet Time spentPercentage 2 hours9 % 3 to 4 hours36% 5 hours27% 6 to 12 hours9 % > Than 12 hours18 %
65% of tenants who may or not be connecting to the Jim Green Wi-Fi would be more than willing to improve their computer skills TenantFeedback given by tenant 1I would love to learn computer but it scares me off 2I would love to learn computer if I am being taught how to use it 3I would love to learn computer so that I may know how it works
Although all routers are working properly, some tenant are actually currently recording a weak Wi-Fi signal 1 Tenant’s room Wi-Fi Signal High Medium Medium High Weak Medium High High Medium High High The orange circles of the upper plan show the low connection areas A pattern of low connection can be underlined from the 1 st to the 9 th room and so regardless of the floor level Adding of new routers may be a key solution to solve the matter 1 The signal was measured from the entrance door Building’s Plan
In a nutshell we have consequently learnt … More as regards to the computer behaviour of the tenant, hence coming to the outcome that a lot of streaming is being done therefore explaining a slowness of the connection Some routers could be added in order to boost the signal to its maximum especially to areas where it is being weaken. It is however to be beared in mind that 19% of tenants watch movies online and another 19% listen to music online Majority of tenants are willing to improve their computer skills, and if so is being offered it will lead to more connections and probably persistence of slowness if no routers are being added Viruses could also be one of the reason explaining a connectivity slowness, hence computer classes would therefore yield in teaching tenant how to protect their computer from malware infection
Thanking you for your precious time !