Gifted and Talented Academy year 3 Session 3 March 11,
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Agenda Welcome Processing Home Play Digging Deeper Developing an Evaluation Plan Team Time
Welcome Back! Form mixed-district triads Share –What do you know about your program today that you didn’t know at the beginning of the year? –How did you acquire this knowledge? –How can this information be used to improve programming?
Team Time/Home Play Finish your program brochure(s) Choose one of your questions and develop a plan to answer it. –Audience –Data collected –Data analysis –Conclusions –Communicate Implement that plan and bring the results to session 3.
Processing Home Play Talk with your team/table about your focus question Share the question, why you needed an answer, what you did to find an answer, what you found, and what you’ll do/did with that information
Quality Questions What did you discover about the question you were asking? –Information it led you to –The quality of the question itself?
Program Evaluation Is… …the systematic collection of information about the activities, characteristics, and outcomes of programs to make judgments about the program, improve program effectiveness, and/or inform decisions about future programming. --Robinson, 2009
Types of Evaluations Planning –Needs Assessment Formative –“Miracle in the Middle” Summative –Impact
Program Performance Measures: Questions about Program Service Delivery Quantity (How much did we do?) Quality (How well did we do it?) Input (Effort) How much service did we deliver? How well did we deliver service? Output (Effect) How much effect/change did we produce? (#) What Quality of effect/change did we produce? (%) Is anyone better off?
Black Box Evaluation Glass Box Evaluation InputOutput
Worth The extent to which a program or activity is essential to a school’s, district’s, agency’s, or individual’s mission. Worth is an indication of the program’s or activity’s perceived value to constituents or to a single individual. --Assessing Impact training, 2003
Merit The value of the program is judged by comparing its performance against established standards of excellence in the profession. --Assessing Impact training, 2003
How Could a Program Have… …worth but no merit? …merit but no worth? …both worth and merit?
Thus A program may have great merit yet be of little worth because it is not aligned with the organization’s mission or needs or it may have great worth and little merit…programs can be evaluated both on the basis of their worth and merit. --Assessing Impact training, 2003
Program Evaluation Models and Tools Arkansas Evaluation Initiative Borland Evaluation Template Maker’s Responsive Model Self-Audit/Reflection Tool
AEI Designed to support in-house (formative) evaluation Don’t need to use all data sources
Borland Template
Developing an Evaluation Plan Read Chapter 18 –Form groups of 3-4 –Read a segment & discuss –Read and discuss –Repeat until done Make connections to previous learning about program evaluation. Identify key points to consider in developing your evaluation plan.
Team Time/Home Play Develop a program evaluation plan. Include formative and summative components Use the template on p to help you develop the framework Exact format is up to you, but make it flexible enough that the evaluation question(s), data collection instruments and methods, and communication of results could change from year to year within the same framework.
Home Play Read “Collecting Student Impact Data in Gifted Programs: Problems and Processes” (found on the Wiki under session 3) Identify 5 key points from the chapter and offer a 3-5 sentence summary of each along with a short explanation of why it’s important. Identify another aspect of programming you need to take a closer look at and develop some possible evaluation questions.
Next Meeting April 8, 2013 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Room 14, Heartland AEA, Johnston