UN CRPD implementation and the economic crisis in Latvia
Index of price and wage EU 2010 (EU=100) Food and non-alcoholic beverages prices Family (two working parents and two children) the average income in the country
Impact of the crises to disability policy 1.Approval of disability strategy of Latvia with 0 budg 2.The austerity measures in the health care system leads increasing the number of people with disabilities in the country. 3.The indexation of the pensions and benefits are stopped 4.Because the budgets of the state and municipal institutions are cuted the money from EU Structural funds was used to provide every day activities of these institutions.
Cardiovascular disease Oncology Neurology Musculoskeletal diseases Respiratory system diseases Psycho –social disorders Crisis impact on disability indicators First time determinate disability
Real impact of crises to people with disabilities 2.People with disabilities often became the only financial source for the families, which has contributed to the removal people with severe disabilities from institutions to home. It was done without adequate services in municipalities and without any control of care provided. 1.Despite the labor legislation contain safeguards principles on the ground of disability, a large proportion of people with disabilities lost their jobs 3.Many working-age people went to other EU countries in search of work, as result the family members with disabilities were placed in institutions 4.EU structural funds for the development of services were planed and implemented chaotically and do not reach the desired goal
Whether the crisis is over? 2.The special care allowance for people with severe disabilities is increased, but still it can not cover the necessary services 1.The indexation of the benefits for people with disabilities from childhood is started, but they are still below the minimum wage and are not tied to its 3.The Personal Assistant service is introduced, but in the meantime with a small number of hours paid Structural Funds period of disability policy development are devoted to more directly on people with disabilities focused activity - deinstitionalisation, supported employment schemes, disability determination reform, vocational rehabilitation etc. a number of disbility issues are included in mainstreaming policies - inclusive education, accessible tourism, etc.
Conclusions This is demonstrated by: Events Riga European Capital of Culture events, where all events were accessible for people with different disabilities. As result all cultural events in Latvia are much more accessible now. Latvian Presidency during which more than 20 activities were directly devoted to people with disabilities and equal opportunities or a special session was organised in the events. We are not focused only to financial security of people with disabilities during the crisis, but also to issues of equal rights and equal opportunities. It allows us the inclusion of disability issues in a broad range of policies and activities that improve disabled people's quality of life and social inclusion in general.
Thank You for Attention!