Bi-national Land Cover Change for the Great Lakes Basin
PLC 1990s extent
PLC 2000s extent
Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EOSD) of Forests System of Agents for Forest Observation Research with Automation Hierarchies (SAFORAH) The Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EOSD) land cover maps are described at: d/landsat And were obtained from: nts_prov.html
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Great Lakes Lc Extent
PLC Unknown LC classes
VALUECOUNTCLASSCOMM_CL COMM_CO DE Background Water - deep clearOpen Water1 267Water - shallow / sedimentedOpen Water Settlement / InfrastructureDevelopment Sand / Gravel / Mine TailingsQuarries/Strip Mines/Gravel P BedrockBare Ground Forest Depletion - cutsTransitional Forest Depletion - burnsTransitional Forest - regenerating depletionTransitional Forest - sparseMixed Forest Forest - dense deciduousDeciduous Forest Forest - dense mixedMixed Forest Forest - dense coniferousEvergreen Forest7 152Marsh - intertidalEmergent Herbaceous Wetlands Fen - openEmergent Herbaceous Wetlands Fen - treedwoody wetland Bog - openEmergent Herbaceous Wetlands Bog - treedwoody wetland Tundra HeathShrubland Agriculture - Pasture / abandoned fieldsPasture/Hay Agriculture - croplandCropland Other - unknownBackground0 PLC 2000 Lookup
CLASS-OROR-VALCOMMON_CLACOMM-CODECOM_CODE Background0 00 Water1Open Water11 Coastal Mudflats2Exposed Shore15 Intertidal Marsh3Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands14 Supertidal Marsh4Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands14 Freshwater Coastal Marsh / Inland Marsh5Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands14 Deciduous Swamp6woody wetland16 Conifer Swamp7woody wetland16 Open Fen8Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands14 Treed Fen9woody wetland16 Open Bog10Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands14 Treed Bog11woody wetland16 Tundra Heath12Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands14 Dense Deciduous Forest13Deciduous Forest66 Dense Coniferous Forest14Evergreen Forest77 Coniferous Plantation15Evergreen Forest77 Mixed Forest Mainly Deciduous16Mixed Forest88 Mixed Forest Mainly Coniferous17Mixed Forest88 Sparse Coniferous Forest18Evergreen Forest77 Sparse Deciduous Forest19Deciduous Forest66 Recent Cutovers20Transitional55 Recent Burns21Transitional55 Old Cuts and Burns22Shrubland99 Mine Tailings, Quarries, and Bedrock Out23Quarries/Strip Mines/Gravel P44 Settlement and Developed Land24Development32 Pasture and Abandoned Fields25Pasture/Hay12 Cropland26Cropland13 Alvar27Grassland11 Unclassified (Cloud & Shadow)28Unclassed00 PLC 90s Lookup
CLASS_OROR_VALCOMMON_CLACOMM_CODE Background0 0 Open Water (non Great Lakes)1Open Water1 Low Intensity Residential2Development2 High Intensity Residential3Development2 Tiger Roads (1992)4Development2 Commercial/Industrial5Development2 Bare Rock/Sand/Clay6Bare Ground3 Quarries/Strip Mines/Gravel Pits7 4 Transitional8 5 Deciduous Forest9 6 Evergreen Forest10Evergreen Forest7 Mixed Forest11Mixed Forest8 Shrubland12Shrubland9 Orchards/Vineyards/Other13Orchards/Vineyards/Other10 Grasslands/Herbaceous14Grassland11 Pasture/Hay15Pasture/Hay12 Row Crops16Cropland13 Small Grains17Cropland13 Urban/Recreational Grasses18Grassland11 Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands19Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands14 UNCONSOLIDATED SHORE20Exposed Shore15 Lowland Grasses21Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands14 Lowland Scrub/Shrub22woody wetland16 Lowland Conifers23woody wetland16 Lowland Mixed Forest24woody wetland16 Lowland Hardwoods25woody wetland16 Great Lakes Water26Great Lakes Water17 Wolter NLCD lookup
COMMON_CLA COMM_CO DE Background0 Open Water1 Development2 Bare Ground3 Quarries/Strip Mines/Gravel Pits4 Transitional5 Deciduous Forest6 Evergreen Forest7 Mixed Forest8 Shrubland9 Orchards/Vineyards/Other10 Grassland11 Pasture/Hay12 Cropland13 Grassland11 Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands14 Exposed Shore15 Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands14 woody wetland16 Great Lakes Water17 Common classes lookup