The World of Enterprise (CETIS Enterprise SIG 4th Meeting) Vashti Zarach CETIS Enterprise SIG Coordinator
Content of Talk 1. About CETIS and the Enterprise SIG 2. 4th Enterprise SIG Meeting: Agenda 3. News 4. Forthcoming Events
CETIS Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards Funded by JISC, managed from Bolton Institute in partnership with University of Wales, Bangor Represents UK FE and HE on international learning standards initiatives Disseminates info on learning technology standards and gathers feedback from the UK e-learning community, mostly via SIGs
CETIS and the SIGs Metadata Educational Content / ECSIG Accessibility Assessment Learner Information Package / LIPSIG Enterprise FE Focus Group Pedagogy
CETIS Enterprise SIG: Remit 1. IMS Enterprise Specification 2. IMS Enterprise Services Specification 3. IMS Learner Information Package Specification (LIP) 4. Joining-up systems within Managed Learning Environments
IMS Enterprise Specification For exchanging basic data about batches of learners (name, address, gender, date of birth, address, role). Response to two core tasks: 1. moving student enrolment data from the SRS to the VLE 2. transferring student exam and course results from the VLE to the SRS A generic specification, can be used for data exchange between variety of systems, e.g. VLEs and digital libraries.
IMS Enterprise Services Specification “The original Enterprise specification was based upon the description of the data model for the information to be exchanged between enterprise systems.” “The Enterprise Services Specification extends this work by adding a series of behavioural models that define how the data models are to be manipulated.” (ES Specification: Colin Smythe). Public Draft available on IMS Website 12 th Jan Public release of Spec April 2004
Learner Information Package (LIP) Specification Used for developing a learner profile for exchanging between systems, containing: Identification (personal data) Goals (learning and career goals) Qualifications Activities (formal and informal learning) Transcripts (academic achievement) Interests (hobbies), Competencies (skills) Affiliation (membership of organizations) Accessibility (disabilities / learning preferences). /
Meeting Agenda Vashti Zarach: The World of Enterprise Paul Walk: Exposing Student Records Quick break Scott Wilson: Enterprise Services Specification Discussion: Course Identifiers Lunch Tish Roberts: “E-learning Frameworks” Tea and coffee Discussion: Group Typologies
Contents of Delegate Pack Meeting Agenda Delegate List Enterprise Briefing (Scott Wilson) Enterprise Services Specification Document Enterprise Services Overview (Colin Smythe) Case for Technical Framework (Scott Wilson) Enterprise Implementation Form Meeting Evaluation Form
News IMS Enterprise Services Specification Enterprise Web Services Development Kit JISC Framework Programme UCISA VLE Survey MLE Info Kit
Enterprise Web Services Demonstration Kit Tendered to Nick Sharples Presenting at next meeting “The IMS Global Learning Consortium is in the process of creating a specification for Enterprise Web Services, specifically tackling the issues of requesting and updating information on people and courses between learning management systems and student information systems. As part of CETIS’ involvement in this process, we have decided to develop a demonstrator for the emerging specification, to help us identify issues, and to provide a very simple package of reference code for developers looking to adopt the specification.”
News JISC Framework Programme =programme_frameworkshttp:// =programme_frameworks See Scott Wilson’s “Case for a Technical Framework” (in delegate pack) Keen to encourage participation from Enterprise SIG (and general UK e- learning community)
UCISA VLE Survey 2003: General findings ndex_html (Scrolll down to 2003 survey) ndex_html Authors: Tom Brown and Martin Jenkins HE (Higher Education) based survey HE Institutions with VLE: 86% (of which 50.1% have more than 1 VLE) Most commonly used VLE: Blackboard (overtaken WebCT since 2001 survey)
UCISA VLE Survey 2003: VLE/MIS Integration 42% achieved creation of student accounts file for data transfer into VLE 29.5 % have achieved automated creation of student accounts in VLE from Student Records 23.9 have no link 20.5% achieved automatic creation of student access to courses / modules 2.3. linking assessment results
UCISA VLE Survey 2003: VLE/MIS Integration Table 2001%2003% Automated creation of student accounts in VLE from student records Creation of student accounts file for data transfer into VLE Automatic creation of student access to sp courses/modules Assessment results Other4.5 No link23.9 Not answered3.4
UCISA VLE Survey 2003: VLE/Library Integration (HE) Pre ’91 %Post ’91%HE Colleges No VLE24522 No connection Some integration with VLE Online lib resources fully integrated -5-
Creating an MLE Info Kit “This guide aims to provide a start on building a rich and dynamic source of information and advice, but also to provide a mechanism for sharing experience and expertise.” Sections SIG members may particularly wish to look at: 4.Technology Options: Please contribute: send resources, comments and suggestions
Forthcoming Events “Beyond the Fringe” (Ferl online conference) Wed 28 th – Thu 4 th Feb D=6293&page=72 D=6293&page=72
Forthcoming Events “Towards making your Personal Development Planning/e-portfolio systems interoperable” (Workshop of the LIPSIG/JISC ‘MLEs for Lifelong Learning’ Programme) Thu 29 th Jan Waterside Conference Centre, Wigan. Contact Gail Young:
Forthcoming Events IMS Quarterly Meetings Tue 10 th – Fri 13 th Feb Zurich, Switzerland Enterprise Services team meeting Thu and Fri
Forthcoming Events “When Worlds Collide” (Jisc infoNet) Wed 18 th – Thu 19 th Feb Le Meridien Royal York Hotel, York Exploring cultural differences between academic and systems practitioners, and the management implications for institutions developing MLEs Day 1: Presentations; Day 2: Thinktank onferencehttp:// onference
Forthcoming Events Vendors’ Meeting to introduce the IMS Enterprise Services Specification To be organized by Vashti Zarach / Scott Wilson Feb / March
Forthcoming Events 5 th Enterprise SIG Meeting Probably in April Please contact if you are willing to host the meeting or give a Suggestions and requests welcome
Links Enterprise SIG JISCMail list: ENTERPRISE.html ENTERPRISE.html Enterprise SIG Website: rise/ rise/ CETIS: IMS: Contact: