The Italian Renaissance Guided Notes
The Renaissance begins… The word Renaissance means “rebirth” The “rebirth” that occurred during this time period was of ancient Greek and Roman worlds. The Italian Renaissance, which spread to the rest of Europe, occurred between
Urban Society Italy was largely an urban society.
Urban Society Continued… The powerful city-states of the Middle Ages became political, economic and social centers. A secular (worldly) viewpoint developed in this urban society as increasing wealth created new opportunities for material enjoyment.
Recovering from the Middle Ages The Renaissance was also an age when the power of the Church declined and society recovered from the plagues and instability of the Middle Ages. Part of this recovery was a “rebirth” of interest in the ancient Greek and Roman cultures.
A New View of Humans A new view of human beings emerged in the Renaissance. It emphasized individual ability and worth. A well rounded, universal person was capable of achievements in many areas of life. Leonardo da Vinci – painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, and mathematician
Who changed first? The upper classes were more affected by and embraced the ideas of the Italian Renaissance than the lower classes. Though the intellectual and artistic achievements were hard to ignore. Churches, wealthy homes, and public buildings displayed art that celebrated the human body, religious and secular themes.