Different organization Different management systems Same donors Same or different beneficiaries Same or different activities
To provide a forum RPOs to discuss issues and exchange information related to an aspect of practice. Know the strengths and challenges of each other Improve our service delivery
Learn by the best practice of our partner Exchange the best practice Meet us for improving our achievement Sharing knowledge and learn from each other Encouraging relationship among the group members by contacts and exchanges in the public spaces of the CoP meeting or beyond.
Communities of practice develop around things that matter to people. Their practices reflect: 1. The members‘ o wn understanding of what is important, as a result.
Members develop practices that are their own response to these external influences. Even when a community's actions conform to an external mandate, it is the community–not the mandate–that produces the practice. In this sense, communities of practice are fundamentally self-organizing systems.
Groups of same component Informal meeting The COP members do not have to be experts in the area of practice, but it is important that they have an interest in the practice area and wish to develop a community to encourage best practices. Including practioners is very important
Promote sustainability Provide self-directed learning environment Address perceived “real” needs of participants Connect people Enable Dialog Introduce a Collaborative Process
Help people organize to meet common goals Promote self responsibility Promote technical leadership Stimulate Learning Capture existing knowledge Generate new knowledge